Story Spotlight

Jaguar Infographic Image. Credit: Levi Novey / USFWS

Infographic: 9 Animals That Showcase Mexican Biodiversity

Whales of Guerrero Research Project Logo. Credit: Whales of Guerrero

Solving a Whale Mystery with Temporary Tattoos, Ecotourism, and Local Communitie

According to Mexico’s National Commission for Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO), Mexico makes up only one percent of the Earth’s land area but is home to an amazing ten percent of
all of the species known to science.

Its rainforests are among the richest reservoirs of biological material on the planet and its diverse habitats are home to a broad array of wildlife including many seasonal residents that migrate to and from the U.S. and other areas.

The U.S. and Mexico share more than 480 species listed under the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and more than 119 species listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). These species, including sea turtles, gray whale, bats, condor, jaguar, manatee, pronghorn, desert sheep, insects (such as the monarch butterfly), and a large variety of migratory birds depend on Mexico for their survival.

This astonishing biodiversity faces increasing threats, such as deforestation, unsustainable land-use practices,
and illegal wildlife trade. In response, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) launched its Mexico program to
build Mexico’s human and institutional capacity to conserve and manage species, habitats and ecological processes of
global importance, through training associated with nature reserves and other high-diversity areas.

A grants program and emphasis on strategic partnership development provide the primary vehicles through which
conservation outcomes are achieved.

Monarch Butterfly. Credit: Matt Deavenport / Creative Commons License

Protecting the Monarch butterfly along its migratory routes from Canada to Mexico has provided a venue for successful international collaboration. Learn more. Credit: Matt Deavenport / cc license

Mexico Program Funding in 2016

Total Number of Grants Awarded 15
Total Funds Distributed Through Grants $713,114
Total Partner Contributions Leveraged by Grants $1,166,210

Program Priorities

Managing for Excellence: Supporting short-term training courses with on-the-ground applicability for Mexican government personnel that strengthen the management and conservation of natural protected
areas, while addressing key threats to species.

Wildlife Watch: Supporting projects to improve the capacity of Mexican government agencies and local
communities to protect biodiversity from illegal trade and overexploitation.

Stewards of the Land: Supporting projects that link sound management practices to economic alternatives
for rural and indigenous communities, while reducing threats to biodiversity conservation.

Species and Spaces: Supporting projects that promote the reintroduction, recovery, and conservation efforts of
binational species including the California condor, jaguar, black-tailed prairie dog, Mexican wolf, and pronghorn.

Voices for Nature: Supporting projects that increase the understanding, awareness, and appreciation of all
Mexican citizens towards biodiversity and ecosystems, while promoting behavioral changes and values required
to conserve and sustainably use resources.