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Message from our Director, Rene LeBlanc

Welcome to the South Central Public Health District website! We are continually striving to make this resource a friendlier, easier way of accessing the vast array of programs and services provided by the Public Health District.

Prevent. Promote. Protect. Our district’s dedicated professionals carry out that mission every day through a wide range of essential programs and activities that touch the lives of the citizens of the eight counties we serve in south central Idaho.

Public health is community focused. Disease prevention and health promotion programs protect entire communities—not just individuals—from communicable diseases, epidemics, and contaminated food and water. All south central Idaho citizens benefit from adequate waste treatment, safe food handling by restaurants, infectious disease control, immunized children, and emergency preparedness.

I invite you to browse through the website and learn more about how our district works to promote and protect this community. We are happy to provide this service to you and welcome your feedback on this site.

Thank you.
Rene LeBlanc, MS, RS, REHS/RS
Director, South Central Public Health District

Hot Topic - Swine Flu Outbreak


Symptoms of the swine flu are similar to seasonal flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people have reported diarrhea and vomiting. People cannot contract the infection from eating properly cooked pork.


Fight the Swine Flu

The best thing people can do to prevent infections and remain healthy is to follow good respiratory etiquette. This includes:

  1. Wash your hands after being out in the public, or after coughing or sneezing. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth;

  2. Cover your cough or sneeze, or cough into your elbow;

  3. If you are sick, stay home from work or school. Protect your co-workers and friends. Please don’t travel when you are sick;

  4. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

For more information

For people who may be traveling to affected areas, travel information and recommendations are available from the CDC at: www.cdc.gov/travel.

Important links for information:

Guidance documents for professionals are available on the CDC Swine Flu web page. www.cdc.gov/swineflu/guidance


Public Health related news for South Central Idaho.

Job openings a South Central Public Health District

South Central Public Health District Board of Health

The Board of Health for South Central Public Health District is composed of eight voting members, each representing his/her respective county. Board members are appointed by their County Commission for a five-year term following a vote of approval by a majority of the other commissioners in the counties of the South Central Public Health District.

The Board has authority as designated in Idaho Code 39-414 "to do all things required for the preservation and protection of the public health." The Board appoints a District Director who serves as the secretary and administrative officer to the Board. The Director carries out the policies and directives of the Board.

Correspondence may be addressed to Board members at the Twin Falls Office.

View the Board of Health Meeting Schedule, Agenda, and/or Minutes

Everett "Buck" Ward
Lincoln County

Marvin Hempleman
Twin Falls County

Angenie McCleary
Blaine County

Marypat Fields, RN, MA
Camas County

Donald Clark
Cassia County

Tom Faulkner
Gooding County

Linda Montgomery
Jerome County

Donald Billings
Minidoka County

Rene Le Blanc
District Director
Board Secretary


Peter Curran, MD


South Central Idaho Community Health Related Topics

South Central Public Health District's Community Health Division provides health promotion and education, community health assessment and surveillance, and maternal and child services.


Learn more about our community health services by clicking below.

The Communicable Disease and Prevention Division provides programs that prevent childhood illnesses; assist in control of unintended pregnancies; and limit the spread of infectious diseases through early investigation, identification, and treatment.

Learn more about our communicable disease and prevention services by clicking below.

The surroundings and geographical setting in which we live, work, and recreate have a direct influence upon our health and well being.

The Environmental Health Division's mission is to enhance and improve the health and quality of our lives by controlling or reducing those adverse environmental factors, which pose a hazard to our health and well being. Various educational and regulatory mechanisms are employed to achieve these goals.

Learn more about our environmental health services by clicking below.

Public Health Preparedness

The Public Health Preparedness program at South Central Public Health District was established in 2002 to expand the district’s capabilities to plan for – and respond to – public health emergencies in Blaine, Camas, Cassia, Gooding, Jerome, Lincoln, Minidoka, and Twin Falls counties.   

The Public Health Preparedness Program objective is to enhance the District’s ability to respond to a catastrophic event, such as an act of bioterrorism, communicable disease outbreak, or other public health threat, and increase the District’s ability to protect the publics’ health on a daily basis.

In July 2005 South Central Public Health District, along with Idaho’s six other Public Health Districts, was awarded national certification as “Public Health Ready” through the National Association of City and County Health Officials.  

Learn more about how our health district is preparing our community for public health emergencies by clicking below.

Prevent. Promote. Protect.
Last Updated April 29, 2009 12:49 PM      © 2008 South Central Public Health District