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photo: Crystal Dam spilling

The Western Colorado Area Office (WCAO) consists of two offices, one located in Grand Junction and one located in Durango, and several field offices with projects encompassing western Colorado, northwestern New Mexico, and northeastern Arizona. The WCAO is responsible for Reclamation projects and program activities in the Upper Colorado, Gunnision, Yampa, White, Dolores, Uncompahgre, Animas, and San Juan River Basins and works with the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, Southern Ute Indian Tribe, Jicarilla Apache Nation, and Navajo Nation.

photo: Otto Otter and CAST for Kids participants

Collectively, the WCAO has 103 employees. Though the majority of their work is taken up with issues dealing with water projects, employees also participate in community activities such as water festivals, safety fairs, and environmental fairs. Several employees also work with young children promoting water safety with help from Reclamation's mascot, Otto the Otter.

One of the most important priorities for the WCAO is ensuring that dams and other project facilities are structurally safe and secure from terrorist attacks. The WCAO is responsible to ensure the continued safety of the public while fulfilling its water delivery obligations.


Last updated: June 26, 2014