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Energy Department Releases New Clean Energy Finance Guide

August 28, 2013 - 4:45pm


Photo from the Energy Department archive.

Photo from the Energy Department archive.

Increasing the efficiency of our buildings and accelerating the deployment of renewable energy technologies will strengthen local economies and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This is why President Obama’s Climate Action Plan calls for federal agencies to work closely with states and municipalities to reduce barriers to investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy.

As part of the Energy Department’s continued efforts to support state, local and tribal leaders, today we're announcing the release of a new comprehensive resource: A Guide to Federal Finance Facilities Available for Energy Efficiency Upgrades and Clean Energy Deployment. This guide lists the various federal financing programs for which energy efficiency and clean energy qualify -- making it easier for state, local and tribal leaders, along with their partners in the private sector, to find capital for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Business owners, homeowners, investors and policymakers can all use this guide as a “Yellow Pages” for federal financing resources that spur private investment and create jobs. 

This first-edition guide is a product of a cooperative effort among seven federal agencies. The U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Energy, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation and Treasury, along with the Environmental Protection Agency and Small Business Administration, worked in close collaboration to identify and share in one place the various finance facilities available for clean energy. For every facility listed, the guide identifies a single point of contact who can answer your questions and provide additional support.

From America’s largest cities to our least populated rural communities, this guide will serve as an important resource for local leaders working to build a robust, clean energy economy.
