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Dr. Ernest Moniz Sworn in as 13th Secretary of Energy

May 21, 2013 - 10:50am


WASHINGTON – Dr. Ernest Moniz was sworn in as the nation’s 13th Secretary of Energy by Deputy Energy Secretary Daniel Poneman in a ceremony this morning for the Department’s employees, kicking off a busy first day that includes briefings on energy and national security as well as remarks to the 2013 Energy Efficiency Global Forum. Moniz was confirmed by the full Senate in a vote of 97-0 on May 16. 

Following his swearing in, Secretary Moniz told employees that he was honored to be back at the Department and was looking forward to a productive tenure.

“I look forward to the progress we will make together in the coming years – advancing the President’s all-of-the-above energy strategy, maintaining the nuclear deterrent and reducing the nuclear danger, promoting American leadership in science and clean energy technology innovation, and cleaning up the legacy of the Cold War,” said Moniz in an email to DOE staff. “I believe we can, and must, commit ourselves to the highest standards of management excellence, delivering results for the American people as efficiently and effectively as possible and enhancing our capacity to succeed in our critical missions.”

“The Department of Energy enjoys a talented, dedicated and diverse workforce,” added Moniz. “In the coming weeks and months, I look forward to reconnecting with old colleagues and hope to meet many other members of our exceptional team.”

Secretary Moniz will receive briefings today by the National Nuclear Security Administration, as well as the Department’s Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence.  This afternoon, he will deliver his first remarks as Secretary at the 2013 Energy Efficiency Global Forum, followed by a meeting at the White House with other Cabinet members and with the President’s senior energy and climate advisors.

Prior to his appointment, Dr. Moniz was the Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physics and Engineering Systems at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he was a faculty member since 1973.  At MIT, he headed the Department of Physics and the Bates Linear Accelerator Center.  Most recently, Dr. Moniz served as the founding Director of the MIT Energy Initiative and of the MIT Laboratory for Energy and the Environment and was a leader of multidisciplinary technology and policy studies on the future of nuclear power, coal, nuclear fuel cycles, natural gas, and solar energy in a low-carbon world.

From 1997 until January 2001, Dr. Moniz served as Under Secretary of the Department of Energy.  He was responsible for overseeing the Department’s science and energy programs, leading a comprehensive review of nuclear weapons stockpile stewardship, and serving as the Secretary’s special negotiator for the disposition of Russian nuclear materials.  From 1995 to 1997, he served as Associate Director for Science in the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the Executive Office of the President.

Dr. Moniz received a Bachelor of Science degree summa cum laude in Physics from Boston College, a Doctorate in Theoretical Physics from Stanford University, and honorary degrees from the University of Athens, the University of Erlangen-Nurenberg and Michigan State University.

Secretary Moniz launched Facebook ( and Twitter ( ) accounts in order to foster dialogue on important issues facing the country that fall within DOE’s responsibilities. For photographs and video of Secretary Moniz’s official swearing in ceremony visit

