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May 28, 2010: Chu helps oversee BP's "top kill" efforts

May 28, 2010: Chu helps oversee BP's "top kill" efforts

May 28, 2010
Secretary Chu concludes several days in Houston monitoring the “top kill” attempt to stop the oil well leak in the Gulf of Mexico, analyzing the data as it comes in and helping to develop strategies to give it the best chances of success. In the days leading up to the top kill attempt, the Secretary and his team of scientists provided expert advice and technical support to test the assumptions behind BP's work and to offer analytical rigor. When diagnostic and pressure tests were conducted to inform BP's decision on whether to attempt the top kill, the Secretary and DOE scientists offered their assessment of the results as well as advice on what to do moving forward. DOE is also offering its resources and technical assistance to the Flow Rate Technical Team. President Obama visits the Louisiana gulf coast and in remarks discusses the oil spill.

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