Northwest Fisheries Science Center

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Scientific Publications

The NWFSC Scientific Publications Database includes the following document types. Browse the database by clicking on the Document Type you wish to view.

Document Type

Articles authored or co-authored by NWFSC scientists and published in scientific journals 

Technical and/or scientific report written to satisfy contractual agreements for research requested by organizations such as the Bonneville Power Administration and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 

The NWFSC publishes the NOAA Technical Memorandum series to issue citable scientific and technical reports. 

The NWFSC publishes the NOAA Processed Report series to distribute timely information or preliminary results of ongoing research quickly and informally. These reports have not been peer reviewed and should not be cited. 

Miscellaneous reports. 


Include sections or chapters in books, technical memoranda, contact reports, etc. Conference proceedings may also be listed here. 


Theses, dissertations. 

Other NOAA organizations also publish their own technical memoranda. These publications are co-authored by NWFSC staff.