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DOE Selects Mission Support Alliance, LLC for Mission Support Contract at its Hanford Site

September 3, 2008 - 3:20pm


WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced the Mission Support Alliance, LLC has been selected as the mission support contractor for DOE's Hanford Site in southeastern Washington State.  The contract is a cost-plus award-fee contract valued at approximately $3.0 billion over ten years (a five-year base period with options to extend it for up to another five years).

The Mission Support Alliance, LLC is a limited liability company formed by Lockheed Martin Integrated Technology, LLC; Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.; and Wackenhut Services, Inc.  Pre-selected subcontractors include Abadan, Akima Facilities Management, Dade Moeller & Associates, HPM, Longenecker and Associates, Protection Strategies, R. J. Lee Group, Vivid Learning Systems, Westech International, TestAmerica, and Lampson International.

"The final Central Plateau contract award to the Mission Support Alliance, LLC, positions the Department to begin a new chapter as it continues the safe environmental cleanup of the Hanford Site," said U.S. Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman.  "The Mission Support Alliance, LLC will provide cost effective infrastructure and site services that are integral and necessary to accomplish the cleanup mission at Hanford."

The Mission Support Contract (MSC) for Hanford will provide cost-effective infrastructure and site services integral and necessary to accomplish the Hanford Site's environmental cleanup mission.  The scope of the MSC contract includes five primary functions: Safety, Security and Environment; Site Infrastructure and Utilities; Site Business Management; Information Resources/Content Management; and Portfolio Management.

The MSC is the last of three new major prime contracts awarded for cleanup at the Hanford Site in 2008 as part of the Department's Central Plateau acquisition strategy, which calls for contracts covering tank farm operations and closure, waste and facility disposition on the Central Plateau, and mission support.  The Tank Operations Contract-awarded in May 2008-includes base operations of the tanks, analytical laboratory support, single-shell tank retrieval and closure, Waste Treatment Plant support, and supplemental treatment, while the Plateau Remediation Contract-awarded in June 2008-will advance the cleanup of the central portion of the Hanford Site, which once housed five chemical separations buildings and other facilities that separated and recovered plutonium and other materials for use in nuclear weapons.  The MSC includes mission support functions of the Project Hanford Management Contract scope of work, which expire on September 30, 2008.

The transition period of the new contractor will begin on or after October 1, 2008, and will be completed within 90 days.  Under the new contract, the Mission Support Alliance, LLC will assume responsibility for mission support activities beginning on January 1, 2009.  The base period of the contract is from January 1, 2009, through December 31, 2013, with options to extend for up to five additional years through December 31, 2018.

The 586-square-mile Hanford Site in Southeastern Washington State played a pivotal role in the nation's defense for more than 40 years, beginning in the 1940s with the Manhattan Project.  Formerly a plutonium production complex with nine nuclear reactors and associated processing facilities, Hanford is today engaged in the world's largest environmental cleanup project.  Read additional information at the Office of Environmental Management website and on the Hanford Site.

Media contact(s):

Joann Wardrip, (202) 586-4940
Cameron Hardy, (509) 376-5365
