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Hurry up & enter Google Play Indie Games Contest - last day is 31 Dec

Enter and learn more at: #PlayIndie

The deadline to submit your game to the Google Play Indie Games Contest is 31 Dec, midnight GMT! Don’t miss out on the chance to win prizes that will help you get your game noticed by industry experts and gamers worldwide. Prizes include an open showcase held at the Saatchi Gallery in London, YouTube influencer campaigns worth up to 100,000 EUR, Premium placements in Google Play Store, and much more!
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ExoPlayer 2.1 released!
The ExoPlayer library is a customizable and extensible alternative to Android’s built-in MediaPlayer API. ExoPlayer 2.1 takes advantage of the architectural changes introduced in 2.0 to deliver new features, including:

- Significantly improved HLS support, including the ability to seek in HLS live streams.
- Support for positioning and styling of CEA-608 captions.
- ID3 metadata and album art support for MP3 and MP4 audio.
- Improved flexibility for out-of-the-box UI components.

Read the ExoPlayer blog post for more details:

Follow the blog to stay up to date with ExoPlayer:
Start using ExoPlayer today:
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ExoPlayer 2.1 is our first major update to ExoPlayer 2. In addition to a whole raft of bug fixes, ExoPlayer 2.1 adds significant pieces of…
Foto del perfil de Ian LakeFoto del perfil de Gergely Kőrössy
6 comentarios
+Ian Lake The problem with that is I'd rather not make the user leave my app as I provide some extra actions below the video (like forum). Also it's quite distracting for them, and since the app tries to help one focus on productivity, leading the user to the YouTube app is not a good idea. Thanks anyways.
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Setting up the Android Emulator: An Android Tool Time Deep Dive

You don’t have to remember all the best settings for the Android Emulator. Android Studio and the Android Device Manager provide defaults that should get you up and running quickly… and smoothly. Wojtek Kaliciński walks you through the setup process in this Android Tool Time episode:
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Foto del perfil de Arghyadip MondalFoto del perfil de Reski EdwardsFoto del perfil de Martin Zeitler
7 comentarios
+Reski Edwards​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ do you have issues with reading and/or comprehending ?? AMD can only emulate ARM, while the performance is quite unacceptable to work with... no matter how QEMU is configured; Asus X99 II is the best hint I can provide.
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Building interfaces with ConstraintLayout in Android Studio

The new Layout Editor in Android Studio 2.2 has some surprises, including a new blueprint mode, revamped properties inspector and support for ConstraintLayout, a new way to define layouts for your apps. In this Android Tool Time episode you’ll learn the basics of working with ConstraintLayouts.

When you’re familiar with the interface, read the rest of our Medium article where you’ll find some tips and tricks for the ConstraintLayout:
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Foto del perfil de *Max Müller* ( )
I hate the ConstraintLayout.
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Important best practices to improve app engagement

Get started:

Read best practices how to optimize your users’ lifetime value by keeping them engaged and retained over time, and watch the full session from the Playtime 2016 events on Youtube. Also, hear tips from Freeletics to learn tips how to find success on Google Play.
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Get a glimpse of Wear 2.0’s upcoming standalone apps

Learn how developers from Glide, Foursquare and Lifesum are building standalone apps to simplify the user journey on wear devices. Unbundling from their phone apps allows the teams to create true watch independence which translates to more immersive and seamless experiences for users.

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Foto del perfil de Igor GanapolskyFoto del perfil de Anojan SivaranjanFoto del perfil de Liran BarsisaFoto del perfil de Dannu Heryawan
5 comentarios
Same to...its so hard to ints this aplication
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Updated documentation for building audio and video apps

If you’re building a media app that does audio or video playback, we’ve released comprehensive documentation covering all of the components and best practices needed to #BuildBetterApps.

The new documentation covers:
- The architecture for building a media app
- The role of the media-compat support library
- Getting the most out of MediaSessionCompat
- Building audio apps with MediaBrowserServiceCompat
- Handling lifecycle callbacks for video apps
- Responding to media buttons from wired headsets, Bluetooth devices, and other peripherals
- Handling changes in audio output and audio focus
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Foto del perfil de Borin SrunFoto del perfil de Emmanuel Physon mwamwaja
13 comentarios
+Borin Srun Thanks for your time. I'm checking the site (stackoverflow) now hopefully I'll be able to get something from there
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Introducing the ExifInterface Support Library

Exif tags store information such as the orientation, date and time, camera information, and the location directly in a JPEG or RAW file. The ExifInterface Support Library is new in version 25.1.0 and unbundles support for reading Exif information from JPEG and raw (DNG, CR2, NEF, NRW, ARW, RW2, ORF, PEF, SRW and RAF) formatted files and setting the Exif information on JPEG image files.

This makes previously API 25+ only format support and the ability to read Exif information from content:// URI InputStreams available on all API 9+ devices.
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Foto del perfil de Michael PujosFoto del perfil de Ian LakeFoto del perfil de Greg Ennis
5 comentarios
I would like to see a support library for more general image manipulation - resize, de-rotate, transform images in general. Every app I work on I see it being done badly (memory usage problems). 
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Get the guide to finding success in new markets on Google Play

Get started:

With just a few clicks, you can publish an app to Google Play and access a global audience of more than 1 billion 30 days active users. Finding success in global markets means considering how each market differs, planning for high quality localization, and tailoring your activity to the local audience. The new Going Global Playbook provides best practices and tips, with advice from developers who’ve successfully gone global.

Get the Going Global Playbook on the Google Play Store:
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Foto del perfil de Nasif newazFoto del perfil de Mohamed BabayFoto del perfil de Slobodan Ivković
13 comentarios
" Books on Google Play is not available in your country yet" :) is this some kind of joke ?
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Google Play Indie Games Contest - submissions closing soon, enter now

Enter and learn more at:

The deadline to submit your game to the Google Play Indie Games Contest is December 31st. Don’t miss out on the chance to win prizes that will help you get your game noticed by industry experts and gamers worldwide.

Prizes include:
+ An open showcase held at the Saatchi Gallery in London
+ YouTube influencer campaigns worth up to 100,000 EUR
+ Premium placements on Google Play, and much more!

Even if you’re not eligible to enter the contest, you can still register to attend the showcase event in London on February 16, 2017, check out some great games, and have fun with some industry experts, top indie developers, and gamers. Or you can sign up to our indie games developer workshop on 17 February, also in London.

Visit the site:

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An open contest for indie games developers from a select number of European countries. Learn more.
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Four tips for startup success from a Silicon Valley VC

Read the post:

Watch Sarah Tavel, of Greylock Partners, talk about the hierarchy of engagement and learn other great tips to hit the ground running and create a business built for success.

#AndroidDevelopers #GooglePlay
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Foto del perfil de Marcus WolschonFoto del perfil de Neota Hall
3 comentarios
+Neota Hall
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Tips to be better found and discovered on Google Play

Read the post:

“How can I get my app to show up on Google Play’s homepage?,” “How can my app rank higher in search results?” These are some of the top questions we get from the developers. Here are some tips that can help your apps to be better found and discovered.

For more best practices, get the Playbook app for developers:
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Foto del perfil de Burak Bağdatlı
This is good, but I think it'll take more that nudging to get developers to make apps that feel like Android apps.

I really hope Google will not just make blog posts but follow through with this and genuinely promote apps that feel like Android apps.
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Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. 

The Android SDK provides the tools and APIs you need to develop applications on the Android platform.