Pennies for Paws

Posted: June 24, 2013
Related Tags: internalNews International Affairs


  Need a Special Gift for a Detroit Tigers Fan? -- A Tiger Stamp Cache

Posted At : December 5, 2012 6:34 AM | Posted By : Rieben, Craig

Thanks to Dan Lesperance, retail manager for the US Postal Service and an avid Detroit Tigers fan, the Detroit Post Office has produced a unique limited edition series of postal photo caches to celebrate the team’s achievements in the 2012 season.  And all of the items feature the Tiger Stamp which helps tiger conservation. 

Every envelope in the cache has the Save Vanishing Species stamp on it so check out:
To order contact the Detroit Tigers Photo & Cache, 1401 W. Fort, Room M-248, Detroit, Michigan 48233.

  Detroit Tigers’ Kick Off Partnership to Save Wild Tigers with $25,000 Donation

Posted At : October 4, 2012 11:46 AM | Posted By : Rieben, Craig
Related Tags: internalNews International Affairs


Photo: Austin Scherer

During a pregame ceremony Sept. 27th at Comerica Park, the Service’s Wildlife Without Borders program in the Division of International Conservation joined forces with Major League Baseball’s Detroit Tigers Foundation to mark a new global endangered species initiative aimed at saving tigers.

Photo: Austin Scherer

"Fewer than 3,200 wild tigers exist in the world today, down from 100,000 in the early 1900s. Of this remnant population, only 1,000 are breeding females - individuals that hold the last hope for this magnificent and charismatic great cat," said Bryan Arroyo, Assistant Director of the Service’s International Affairs program.

The baseball team is partnering with the Wildlife Without Borders' Tiger Conservation Fund through Pennies for Paws, a coin collection campaign at the Tiger Bank which raises funds to save endangered wild tigers and promote tiger conservation.

Karie Ross, wife of David Dombrowski, the Tigers President/CEO/General Manager, created the program after learning about the plight of tigers in the wild. She said she couldn't imagine her children growing up in a world without tigers. Since it began in April 2008, Tiger fans have helped to raise nearly $40,000 to fund tiger conservation projects.

BBDO, a major advertising agency has been supporting the Division of International Conservation pro bono on the Save Vanishing Species stamp project and other efforts. They generously donated production of two short video spots in celebration of this new tiger effort and a frame of one of the spots appears on the jumbotron in the photo above.