Inc Magazine

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What 3 Things Will Drive Your Company's Success This Year?

Innovation requires more than just a brilliant idea. Customer experience must be core to the process.<p>What will drive business success in 2017? In short, innovation will continue to reward the companies that know how to execute on it swiftly. And according to analysts at Gartner, we've only begun to …


5 Legendary Lessons To Turn What You Love Into A Business Empire

Learn from this magician, who turned his passion into millions.<p>Ever since I was a little kid, I was told to reach for the stars and follow my dreams. But then as soon as money entered the conversation, it was no longer about "doing what you love." It was about being able to find a job, provide for …


Why Entrepreneurs Should Give Back All Year Long

The holidays are almost over, but we need to keep paying it forward.<p>During the holiday season, we are constantly reminded to "give back." Maybe you volunteered at a soup kitchen this December, participated in a holiday toy drive or, if you're like me, you're currently wondering how you will ever …


Here's Why You're Not Getting Good Sleep (And How To Fix It)

Turn your bedroom into a sleeping oasis to get better sleep and be more productive<p>As an entrepreneur, it's so easy to get sucked into a life of late nights and all nighters that you might actually start to believe that you "work best with four hours of sleep."<p>But you don't. The fact that we're far …


Tim Ferriss: Billionaires Share These 5 Unusual Daily Habits

They build habits out of their core strengths.<p><i>What tactics do billionaires and world-stage performers use to get ahead? originally appeared on Quora - the knowledge sharing network where compelling questions are answered by people with unique insights.</i><p><b>Answer by Tim Ferriss, Author of #1 NYT/WSJ</b> …


The 9-Step Plan That Will Make 2017 Your Most Productive Year Ever

Change is hard for those who don't respect the fundamental steps involved.<p><i>Are there good rules of thumb as to what makes a good new year's resolution? originally appeared on Quora - the knowledge sharing network where compelling questions are answered by people with unique insights.</i><p><b>Answer by Nicole</b> …


How Rebecca Minkoff Went From Assistant to $100 Million Dollar Fashion Mogul

The successful fashion designer now heads a global fashion brand, but she and Uri Minkoff, her co-founder brother, say they both learned from menial jobs.<p>You've probably heard of Rebecca Minkoff, the co-founder and head designer of the eponymous fashion brand, which reportedly pulled in more than …


How To Not Throw Away Money On Influencer Marketing

Businesses make an estimated $6.50 for every $1 they spend on influencer marketing.<p>Influencer marketing has never been bigger. In a time when consumers desperately <i>want</i> to trust businesses - but they just don't - influencer marketing is one way to overcome this problem.<p>And influencer marketing isn't …


Try This Communication Cliche--It Really Works

Sometimes doing the same thing over and over seems boring. But, sometimes the "tried" becomes "tried and true" because it's so effective!<p>When a business leader stands up to speak or present, it isn't always for the same reason. Often, different goals must be reached.<p>Sometimes, we can tell an …

6 Disruptive Technologies to Watch in 2017

These are the trends that you need to be paying attention to.<p>Disruption was <i>the</i> buzzword of 2016. It seems like every industry is facing disruption through technology, as the world around us becomes increasingly digitized.<p>I believe that 2016 just showed us a glimpse into what is possible through …

3D Printing

Remember ICQ? The Chat Pioneer Turned 20 This Year (And Lessons Learned For 2017)

Of course you do. ICQ's ongoing success shows how smart it is to look at human needs in product development.<p>These days, if you asked someone to imagine a world where chat didn't exist, you'd probably get a lot of gasps and giggles in response (especially from me). But yes, there was a time when you …

7 Important Questions to Ask Before 2017

One of the best things we can do is look back before we make the first step forward into 2017.<p>When each year begins to wind down, most of us make special efforts to plan for the future. We create resolutions. We put up new calendars in our office. We write out a list of new goals for the …


10 Most Innovative Conferences of 2016

Here's where business leaders turned for unparalleled access, inside scoops and pure innovation.<p>Attending a conference is a surefire way to make important connections, meet creative thinkers and explore new ideas. That being said, not all conferences are created equal. That's why I decided to go to …


When Your Company Grows, It Makes New Demands

Like every parent, you have to constantly adapt<p>When you start a company, you have high hopes but absolutely no certainty of where it's going to lead. You can't picture what it might look like in 5 or 15 years, but you try to make sure it has everything it needs to grow big and strong. The …

Made in America

Harvard MBAs Keep Going to Prison. So Why do They Still Rule the World?

All of our recent presidents and many of our most infamous business leaders graduated from Ivy League schools, which is why we need to look somewhere else for leadership.<p>Harry Truman didn't have a college degree. Lyndon Johnson graduated from Southwest Texas State Teachers College. Richard Nixon …


A Soul Searching Question Every Business Owner Should Ask

And A Perfect New Year's Exercise<p>As the clock strikes midnight tomorrow night, one chapter will end and another will begin. And during this time of reflection - I think there is one critical question every entrepreneur should honestly ask and answer - is your company providing a valuable product or …


How Customer Experience Can Work For The Greater Good

Customer experience lessons from one Arizona company looking to change the way underserved communities navigate the complicated healthcare system.<p>In nearly every industry, customer experience is moving to the forefront of corporate leadership thinking. But few are as ripe for impactful change as …

Customer Experience

The Key to Getting and Staying Happy, According to the World's Happiest Country

Do try this at home.<p>If there was one happiness trend that dominated 2016, it was minimalism. By clearing out unnecessary stuff, the idea is that by simplifying your life and reducing your number of possessions, you open up space for meaningful experiences and happiness.<p>No one preached this message …


4 Reasons Millennials Are Using Psychics (Yes, Psychics!) For Career Advice

Keen, An Expert Advisors Site, Says Millennial Usage of Psychics for Career Advice Is Up. Here's Why...<p>With Millennials now accounting for over the half the workforce, their career journeys are taking a front seat in the media. Raised on organized activities, positive reinforcement, and helicopter …


Why Entrepreneurs Are the Future of Healthcare

Healthcare is changing. Here is what entrepreneurs need to know<p>The United States does a lot of things well. Our economy is growing, we have an incredible space program, our clean energy sector is turning out amazing new technologies, and so much more. But there is a list of other things that we do …


5 Digital Marketing Trends Worth Paying Attention to in 2017

These 5 things will be extremely important in 2017 for marketing anything online.<p>As the new year begins, it's crucial that you look back at 2016 and really review what worked, what didn't, and most important how you should shift your strategy to be successful in 2017.<p>We are in a fascinating time …


20 Reasons Why You Should Boost Your Video Marketing Budget in 2017

Video marketing will account for 80% of all internet traffic by 2019<p>With the advances in technology, and low cost of equipment, Video marketing has been growing at an alarming rate, but I believe that this is just the tip of the iceberg and that any company that does not have an aggressive Video …


Remembering the Wisdom of Those We Lost in 2016

Many well-known people passed on this year. Not all were liked, but all had something significant to say.<p>The end of the year is a time for reflection. Many greats were lost in 2016: thinkers, creators, scientists, entertainers, and philosophers--no major field of endeavor was untouched by loss in …

Women in Science

Researchers Just Learned Something Incredible From Bats That Will Have You Rethink Communication (Yes, Bats)

Recent research on bats has huge implications for the way we treat animals, manufacturing, and the entire world.<p>Dolphins do it. The cows that give you milk for your cereal do it. And now, say scientists, Egyptian fruit bats do it, too. We're talking, of course, about communicating with each other. …


Email Marketing in the Year 2020

Email Marketing in 2020: Artificial Intelligence, interactivity, personalization and more!<p>At Infusionsoft we've been delivering email marketing automation to small businesses for well over a decade. As Carl Sagan said, "You have to know the past to understand the present," and you have to …

Email Marketing

The Best Way to Communicate Absolutely Anything? Steal This Idea from Hollywood

Screenwriters do this. So do producers. Now it's your turn.<p>I know what you're thinking: What does glamorous Hollywood have to do with IT services, internal programs, accounting or whatever else I have to communicate?<p>As it turns out, no one is better than Hollywood's movie studios at distilling a …


How Luxury Bedding Became a Multi-Million Dollar Industry

The luxury bedding industry is bigger than you think. Much bigger.<p>The way Americans relate to their sleep--and the products they sleep on--is changing. And that has opened up a tremendous opportunity for mattress and textiles startups. In 2016, half of the six fastest growing e-retailers in the Top …

Luxury Lifestyle

21 Podcasts to Help You Outsmart Your Competition in 2017

Open your favorite podcast app, and start adding these. Stat.<p>While podcasts have been around for over a decade, many of you are recent converts. Now that the technology to create them has gone mainstream, there are many more to pick from. It's harder to figure out what to listen to in order to …


15 Powerful Truths About Life And Business Everyone Should Hear Before 2017 Begins

This year, do things differently.<p>Do you know why everyone is capable of setting New Year's resolution goals around the holidays?<p>Because this is the time when you are most able to step away from your work. You have family in town. Carols to sing. Food to eat. Sports to watch. For, maybe the first …


Want To Be Paid To Go On A Sunny Vacation? These Islands Will Actually Give You Money To Visit

No, this isn't some sort of paper credit. This is real money.<p><i>Absurdly Driven looks at the world of business with a skeptical eye and a firmly rooted tongue in cheek.</i><p>We're done with the Christmas spirit, aren't we?<p>Now for the grim-reaping reality of 2017.<p>A year where uncertainty will reign and …
