Aging and Sustainability Listserve

The "Aging and Sustainability" Listserve is part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's efforts to raise awareness about the susceptibility of older persons to environmental hazards and to share opportunities for getting involved in environmental stewardship that contributes to a more sustainable world.  The monthly electronic newsletter includes information on strategies to reduce or prevent exposure to environmental health hazards; federal funding opportunities and the latest news regarding the environment across the lifespan.   It also contains information on sustainability, recent research, and tools you can use.

The electronic newsletter is free and we keep your email address private.

Sign up to join our listserv:

You can unsubscribe at any time.

We also have factsheets for Caregivers that include information on strategies to reduce one’s exposure to environmental hazards.

To order fact sheets, please visit the Aging Resources Order Form for information on how to order the publications.  There is no cost for ordering or mailing the factsheets to you.