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Final Environmental Assessment
License Agreement Between Reclamation and Delta County for the Construction of a Parking Area for the Purpose of Wildlife Viewing on Reclamation Property, Fruitgrowers Project

Western Colorado Area Office Home   Environmental Documents 

Under the proposed action, Reclamation would issue a license agreement to allow Delta County to construct, operate and maintain a combined parking and viewing area that will accommodate up to 20-vehicles. The parking area would be graveled, and include adequate drainage to address irrigation runoff from adjacent agricultural fields and drainage from the county road. The parking area would be less than 3/4 acre in size, and would consist of a maximum of 20 parking spaces. The parking area would be enclosed by a split-rail wood fence and include a gate opening for foot access to the reservoir area. Information signs or interpretive displays may be added to the parking/viewing area by the Black Canyon Audubon Society. Portable toilets may also be used at the site during special bird migrations, like during the sandhill crane days.

 Final Environmental Assessment
2.5 MB
 Finding of No Significant Impact
116 KB



Last updated: July 16, 2014