8,760 hours.  24/7.  

365 days a year.

However we choose to describe the relationship of time or day--it all comes down to a few key things--reliability, dependability, availability. Those are the things we can be counted on to do for our members--deliver adequate, cost-effective, and reliable electricity.


Missouri River Energy Services, headquartered in Sioux Falls, S.D., is a not-for-profit joint-action agency governed by a Board of Directors elected by and from representatives from the 60 member communities it serves in Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. 

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Public Power.

"Where a community, a city, or county, or a district, is not satisfied with the services rendered or the rates charged by the private utility, it has the undeniable right as one of the functions of government, to set up its own governmentally owned and operated service." ...President Franklin D. Roosevelt  


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