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Trinity River Channel Rehabilitation Sites: Lower Steiner Flat (River Mile 91.3 to 90.2) and Upper Junction City (River Mile 79.8 to 80.4) EA/IS
The Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP)- including the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (federal co-lead agencies), and the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Water Board - state lead agency) propose to construct the Trinity River Channel Rehabilitation Sites: Lower Steiner Flat and Upper Junction City Project. The purpose is to increase salmon and steelhead habitat downstream of Lewiston Dam, as described in the December 19, 2000, Record of Decision for the Trinity River Mainstem Fishery Restoration Environmental Impact Statement. The Proposed Project is planned to enhance aquatic habitat quality and complexity via construction of slow water refuge habitats, reconnection of the floodplain with the river, and placement of in-river structures (e.g., large woody debris).

A public meeting on the project was held on January 26, 2012. Draft EA/IS was available for public review on February 22, 2012. Comments were due on March 20, 2012. FONSI was signed and final EA/IS was available on May 31, 2012. Construction was completed between July and October 2012 and revegetation was completed December 2012. Maintenance of plants will be ongoing for another 2 years to ensure their survival.

Brandt  Gutermuth
Phone: (530) 623-1806
Fax: (530) 623-5944

List of Available Reports
Report Title
File Ext
File Size
File with .pdf extension Signed FONSI, Lower Steiner Flat and Upper Junction City .pdf 288.05KB 
File with .pdf extension Final EA, Chapters 1-2, Lower Steiner Flat and Upper Junction City .pdf 1,995.00KB 
File with .pdf extension Final EA, Chapters 3-5, Lower Steiner Flat and Upper Junction City .pdf 5,030.62KB 
File with .pdf extension Final EA, Appendices, Lower Steiner Flat and Upper Junction City .pdf 1,866.33KB 
File with .pdf extension Draft EA/IS, Part 1, Lower Steiner Flat and Upper Junction City .pdf 3,085.55KB 
File with .pdf extension Draft EA/IS, Part 2, Lower Steiner Flat and Upper Junction City .pdf 3,995.07KB 
File with .pdf extension Draft EA/IS, Part 3, Lower Steiner Flat and Upper Junction City .pdf 3,938.28KB 
File with .pdf extension Draft EA/IS, Part 4, Lower Steiner Flat and Upper Junction City .pdf 4,818.19KB 
File with .pdf extension Draft EA/IS, Part 5, Lower Steiner Flat and Upper Junction City .pdf 4,990.19KB 
File with .pdf extension Draft EA/IS, Part 6, Lower Steiner Flat and Upper Junction City .pdf 3,438.94KB