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Interim Renewal Contract Between the United States and Elk Creek Community Services District Providing for Project Water Service From the Black Butte Project
Reclamation proposes to execute an interim renewal contract for up to 100 acre feet/year of Central Valley Project Water for the community of Elk Creek. The proposed contract would ensure an adequate public water supply in the event of drought, when the primary supply of water from the Orland Project is inadequate. The long term contract, currently under negotiation, will be covered by a separate Environmental Assessment.

Draft FONSI and EA were available for review on January 27, 2012. Comments were due February 10, 2012. Final EA being prepared.

No Contacts at this time.
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File with .pdf extension Draft FONSI, Interim Renewal Contract Between the United States and Elk Creek Community Services District Providing for Project Water Service From the Black Butte Project .pdf 157.86KB 
File with .pdf extension Draft EA, Interim Renewal Contract Between the United States and Elk Creek Community Services District Providing for Project Water Service From the Black Butte Project .pdf 827.24KB