Bureau of Reclamation Mid-Pacific Region : NEPA
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Cawelo Water District Calloway Canal Lining Project
Reclamation will provide a CALFED Bay-Delta Program grant to the Cawelo Water District to line the Calloway Canal. The purpose of the Proposed Action is to decrease the current water losses through seepage in the canal between the Cross Valley Intertie and Coffee Road. The implementation of the Proposed Action would increase operational efficiency in the CWD and decrease recharge to the underlying groundwater basin that contains constituents of concern.

Draft EA available for public review on December 19, 2012. Comments were due January 17, 2013. FONSI signed April 12, 2013.

Ben Nelson
Phone: (916) 414-2424

List of Available Reports
Report Title
File Ext
File Size
File with .PDF extension FONSI, Cawelo Water District Calloway Canal Lining Project .pdf 1,305.19KB 
File with .pdf extension Final EA, Cawelo Water District Calloway Canal Lining Project .pdf 423.89KB 
File with .pdf extension Draft EA, Cawelo Water District Calloway Canal Lining Project .pdf 423.87KB