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Conservation Innovation Grants

Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) are competitive grants that stimulate the development and adoption of innovative approaches and technologies for conservation on agricultural lands. CIG uses Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) funds to award competitive grants to non-Federal governmental or nongovernmental organizations, American Indian Tribes, or individuals. Producers involved in CIG funded projects must be EQIP eligible.

Through CIG, NRCS partners with public and private entities to accelerate technology transfer and adopt promising technologies. These new technologies and approaches address some of the Nation's most pressing natural resources concerns. CIG benefits agricultural producers by providing more options for environmental enhancement and compliance with Federal, State, and local regulations.

Application Process

State Competition:
Montana is not offering a state component for FY2017.

National Competition:
Applications for national CIG projects are due January 9, 2017. For more information about the application process see the following information on the NRCS National website:

For More Information

CIG Awards

Montana Projects FY 2015

  • Climate Action Reserve (CAR) ($311,636)—proposes to build on its recently developed avoided conversion of grassland protocol. In partnership with Environmental Defense Fund, the Climate Trust and others, CAR will develop a streamlined approach to lower barriers to entry for landowners, resulting in an initial pilot project generating substantial carbon credits. (CA, CO, KS, MT, NE, ND, OK, SD and TX)
  • Partners for Western Conservation ($279,400)—proposes, with partners including Colorado Cattlemen’s Association and The States of Nevada and Utah, to develop a pay-for-success investment instrument for wildlife habitat and water quality conservation. The State of Nevada will pilot the instrument as part of its efforts to conserve Greater sage-grouse habitat. (CO, ID, MT, NV, UT)

The latest CIG success stories can be found on the USDA Blog.

To view information about all CIG projects since program inception, visit the CIG Project Search Tool page.


Maureen Meagher, Resource Conservationist
Phone: 406-587-6748
Email: Maureen.Meagher

Erik Suffridge, Assistant State Conservationist for Programs
Phone: 406-587-6873
Email: Erik.Suffridge