Use of Enterprise Information Technology Standard Business Case Analysis

DoD CIO Memo - Publish Date: 10/23/14

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This memo establishes the Enterprise Information Technology Business Case Analysis Template to provide a standardized approach and criteria for analyzing IT investments. The template is based on business cases used in the DoD and industry.

DON CIO is currently drafting policy on implementing the below DoD CIO memo.

SUBJECT: Use of Enterprise Information Technology Standard Business Case Analysis

REFERENCES: a) Secretary of Defense Memorandum, Results of Office of the Secretary of Defense Organizational Review, December 04, 2013
b) Title 40 U.S.C., Section 11312

The Secretary of Defense tasked Department of Defense Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO) to take actions to improve CIO functions, including budget and governance (reference (a)). Per reference (b), this memorandum establishes the Enterprise Information Technology (IT) Business Case Analysis (BCA) Template to provide a standardized approach and criteria for analyzing IT investments. The template is based on business cases used in the DoD and industry. Use of this template will ensure consistency, facilitate comparisons of proposed alternatives, and clearly define expected costs, benefits, operational impacts, and risks. It provides a model to facilitate an "apples to apples" cost comparison of proposed IT investments and is consistent with the cost estimation guidance from the Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation.

I am requiring each Military Department CIO and all DoD 4th Estate CIO's to incorporate this template into their IT investment review process. The Deputy Chief Management Officer will incorporate this template into the Defense Business Council review process for business systems. Use of the Enterprise IT BCA template is applicable to all IT investments. Tailoring of the template, based on the scope and nature of the project, is authorized and encouraged.

Those IT investments that are in progress or already approved may be exempted if an existing BCA accurately and completely describes the IT project. The existing BCA must address performance measures (baseline, target and goal), operational impact, and financial costs and savings projections based on an approved methodology such as the Economic Viability Tool.

Use of this template is effective immediately. An electronic copy of the Enterprise IT BCA attachment is available on the DoD CIO portal. My point of contact is AI Johnson (, 703- 692-9240.

Signed by:
Terry A. Halvorsen, Acting

TAGS: BCA, CIO Authorities, Cloud, Efficiencies

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