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MontFARM - Montana Feedlot Annualized Runoff Model

A Water Quality Assessment Tool

MontFARM is a water quality risk assessment tool for evaluating the pollution potential of an Animal Feeding Operation.

If you encounter any problems with the files provided on this page, please contact Karen Hoffman at 406-587-6842.

The following documents require Microsoft Excel or Acrobat Reader.

MontFARM (XLS; 3.1 MB)
MontFARM Users Guide (PDF; 516 KB)

Who Is MontFARM For?

Photo of cows at feed trough.MontFARM is for small and medium open lot animal feeding operations. Its user friendly input/output format can be used by specialists, consultants, agency officials, as well as owners and operators.

What Is MontFARM?

MontFARM is an assessment tool used to evaluate the pollution hazard of an open lot animal feeding operation. It is science-based, objective, and easy to use.

When Can MontFARM Be Used?

Version 1.2 is available now! It is a Montana-adapted version of MinnFARM, a university-supported spreadsheet tool, used successfully in Minnesota to assess animal feeding operations.

Why Is MontFARM Needed?

  • Owners and operators need an objective, easy-to-use, method to assess the risk their facility poses to water quality.
  • Natural resource planners, specialists, and consultants need a science-based , computational tool to evaluate the effect of various Best Management Practices.
  • Government agencies with limited funds and resources need a ranking tool with which to prioritize technical and financial services.

How Is MontFARM Used?

MontFARM estimates annual pollutant loading for common nutrient and organic measures. The annual pollutant load is converted to a severity index on a scale of 0 (extremely low risk) to 100 (extremely high risk). Input data required include:

  • Corral management information
  • Land use characteristics above and below the lot area
  • The nearest type of and distance to receiving water
  • Lot size, roof area