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NNSA to conduct Aerial Radiation Assessment Survey over Boston Harbor

BOSTON– A helicopter may be seen flying at low altitudes around Boston Harbor from June 5 - 7, 2015.  The purpose of the flyovers is to measure naturally occurring background radiation. 

Officials from U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) announced that the radiation assessment will cover approximately 13 square miles. A twin-engine Bell 412 helicopter, operated by the Remote Sensing Laboratory Aerial Measuring System from Joint Base Andrews, will be equipped with radiation sensing technology. The helicopter will fly in a grid pattern over the area at 150 feet (or higher) above the ground surface, at a speed of approximately 80 miles per hour. Flyovers will occur only during daylight hours and are estimated to take about three days to complete. 

The measurement of naturally occurring radiation to establish baseline levels is a normal part of security and emergency preparedness. NNSA is making the public aware of the upcoming flights so that citizens who see the low-flying aircraft are not alarmed.