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Snow Survey

Montana Snow Survey and Water Supply Forecasting Program

SNOTEL (SNOwpack TELemetry) Network

Photo of snow melting into mountain stream. The NRCS Snow Survey Program provides mountain snowpack and precipitation information via the SNOwpack TELemetry (SNOTEL) network in order to issue streamflow forecasts for the western United States. Common applications of snow survey products include water supply management, flood control, climate modeling, recreation, and conservation planning.
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click for press and media resources Our Snow Survey team can help you with your story. Here you’ll find the latest media releases on Montana's snowpack and water supply outlook, including news releases, feature stories, downloadable media files and more.
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Product Highlights

New! Real Time Conditions Maps

You can now gain access to a variety of maps directly:

  • Snow Percentages (SWE - NRCS SNOTEL)
  • Month to Date Precipitation (NRCS SNOTEL)
  • Water Year to Date Precipitation (NRCS SNOTEL)
  • Current Streamflows (USGS)
  • Soil Moisture (VIC Modeled)
  • National Drought Monitor
Interactive Montana SNOTEL Map

New! Interactive Montana SNOTEL Map

You can now gain access to a variety of data types:

  • SNOTEL (SNOwpack TELemetry)
  • Snow DepthSnow Water Equivalent
  • Snowcourses
  • SCAN (Soil Climate Analysis Network)
  • Reservoir Storage
  • Monthly Streamflow
  • ACIS monthly precipitation

Snow Survey Data, Products, and Reports

Photo of snow crystal
Snow & Precipitation
Image of clouds
Soil Moisture and Climate

Soil Moisture and Temperature, as well as, general climate and drought information for Montana.

Photo of reservoir
Water Supply

Streamflow forecasts, reservoir storage, surface water supply index, etc...

Photo of standard SNOTEL site
Site Information

Data site locations, descriptions, etc...

Additional Snow Survey Information