Six Better Buildings Challenge partners make Regional Roundup of Energy Efficiency Policy


Brittany Ryan, JDM
Mar 08, 2016

For five years, the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP) releases its annual Regional Roundup of Energy Efficiency Policy. The Regional Roundup provides an update on state progress in energy efficiency policies and programs in the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic region, as well as trends and challenges. This year’s report identified six Better Buildings Challenge partners as leading or advancing states in the comparative analysis: Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maryland and the District of Columbia.

Through robust policy initiatives and distinguished administrative and legislative support, these states exemplified sustained leadership in energy efficiency strategies.

Leading States

  • Massachusetts rolled out a three-year statewide electric and gas efficiency plan, expecting nationally historic savings, as well as other innovative building policies. Read about Massachusetts' progress.
  • New York exhibits strong gubernatorial support for the 2015 State Energy Plan, including emphasis on energy efficiency goals. Read about New York's progress.
  • Rhode Island created an Efficient Buildings Fund within their Infrastructure Bank to finance public building energy upgrades. Read about Rhode Island's progress.

Advancing States

Better Buildings Challenge partner successes across energy programs are accelerating energy savings through innovation, leadership, partnerships, and demonstrated best practices.

Visit the full report here: Regional Roundup of Energy Efficiency Policy