Better Buildings Challenge State Partners Make the Mark on ACEEE's State Energy Efficiency Scorecard


Chris Cloutier and Jen Singer
Nov 06, 2015

The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) recently released its annual State Energy Efficiency Scorecard, which shows that states participating in the Better Building Challenge are leading the way in energy efficiency. Massachusetts, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, and Rhode Island occupy five of the top ten spots in ACEEE’s ranking.

On the ACEEE scorecard website, a map provides up-to-date information on each state. It is also interactive allowing users to zoom in to see details on states and also see how cities scored. 

Stats on the states:

  • Massachusetts ranked 1st, maintaining its leadership position for the fifth year in row.
  • Maryland was highlighted as one of the most improved states for energy efficiency.
  • Rhode Island and Massachusetts were two of the three states identified by ACEEE as leaders in utility-sector energy efficiency policies.
  • Massachusetts and New York are both leaders in energy-efficient transportation policies, with New York providing leadership through its early adoption of a vehicle-miles-traveled reduction target.
  • Maryland and Massachusetts earned high marks for policies to encourage combined heat and power initiatives.
  • Minnesota and New York are leaders in state government initiatives.

DOE is proud to partner with these states as part of the Better Buildings Challenge and looks forward to recognizing states for their progress at this year's Better Buildings Summit in Washington D.C. 

Visit ACEEE’s State Energy Efficiency Scorecard for more information.