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State Technical Committee

The 1985 Farm Bill established state technical advisory committees.  The 1996 Farm Bill expanded the membership and roles.

The purpose of the Idaho State Technical Advisory Committee is to provide advice to the State Conservationist on a number of issues within a variety of conservation programs.  Although the Committee has no implementation or enforcement authority, the State Conservationist gives serious consideration to the Committee's advice. 

The State Conservationist serves as chair of the Committee and establishes membership.  Members represent federal and state natural resource agencies, American Indian Tribes, producer groups and organizations.  Membership of government agencies is limited to one representative from each agency.
An individual or group who wants to participate on the Committee may submit a request to the State Conservationist that explains their interest and outlines their natural resource credentials.  Decisions concerning membership on the committee are final and are not subject to appeal.

The public is invited to attend Committee meetings.  To notify the public, NRCS publishes a meeting notice in the state's major newspaper, Idaho Statesman, prior to scheduled meetings.  News releases are issued to all daily newspapers in the state.

The State Conservationist has established specialized subcommittees, made up of Committee members, to discuss, examine and focus on irrigation and energy; organic production; range; soil health; forest management, conservation compliance; fish and wildlife; and Farm Bill programs.

Subcommittee recommendations are forwarded to the Committee for further discussion and recommendation to the State Conservationist.