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DOE O 412.1A Admin Chg 1, Work Authorization System

Functional areas: Administrative Change, Management System and Standards

To establish a work authorization and control process for work performed by designated site and facility management contractors, and other contractors as determined by the procurement executive, consistent with the budget execution and program evaluation requirements of the Department of Energy's Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Evaluation process. Admin Chg 1, dated 5-21-2014, cancels DOE O 412.1A.

o412.1A_AdminChg1.pdf -- PDF Document, 932 KB

Writer: Mike Dombrowski
  • Administration
  • Management and Operations
ID: DOE O 412.1A Admin Chg 1
Type: Order
OPI: MA - Office of Management
Status: Current
Approved Date: Apr 21, 2005
Last Update: May 21, 2014
Work Authorization System
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