The National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS)
NIHHIS is an integrated system that builds understanding of the problem of extreme heat, defines demand for climate services that enhance societal resilience, develops science-based products and services from a sustained climate science research program, and improves capacity, communication, and societal understanding of the problem in order to reduce morbidity and mortality due to extreme heat. NIHHIS is an interagency partnership.

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At Risk Groups

Extreme heat affects everybody, but some populations may be exceptionally vulnerable. Read more about how these at risk groups can adapt to extreme heat to reduce their risk:

  • 6-10 Day Temperature Probability Outlook
    In this map, shaded areas show where average temperature has an increased chance of being warmer or cooler than usual. The darker the shading, the greater the chance for the indicated condition. White areas have equal chances for average temperatures that are below, near, or above the long-term average for the month.

  • 8-14 Day Temperature Probability Outlook
    In this map, shaded areas show where average temperature has an increased chance of being warmer or cooler than usual. The darker the shading, the greater the chance for the indicated condition. White areas have equal chances for average temperatures that are below, near, or above the long-term average for the month.

  • One Month Temperature Probability Outlook
    In this map, shaded areas show where average temperature has an increased chance of being warmer or cooler than usual. The darker the shading, the greater the chance for the indicated condition. White areas have equal chances for average temperatures that are below, near, or above the long-term average for the month.

  • Summer Temperature Probability Outlook (JJA)
    In this map, shaded areas show where average temperature has an increased chance of being warmer or cooler than usual. The darker the shading, the greater the chance for the indicated condition. White areas have equal chances for average temperatures that are below, near, or above the long-term average for the month.

  • 6-10 Day Heat Index Outlook
    This map shows the probability that the Maximum Heat Index (which takes into consideration temperature and humidity) will be greater than or equal to climatological norms for this time of year.

  • 8-14 Day Heat Index Outlook
    This map shows the probability that the Maximum Heat Index (which takes into consideration temperature and humidity) will be greater than or equal to climatological norms for this time of year.

  • 8-14 Day Probability of Heat Index Over 95F
    This map shows the probability that the Average Heat Index (which takes into consideration temperature and humidity) will exceed a given value over for at least 2 days in the forecast window.

  • 8-14 Day Probability of Heat Index Over 90F for 2 days
    This map shows the probability that the Average Heat Index (which takes into consideration temperature and humidity) will exceed a given value over for at least 2 days in the forecast window.

  • Global Tropical Hazards at Weeks 1 & 2
    This map shows global tropical hazards predicted by NOAA for the upcoming two week period. Orange and blue coloring indicates the level of confidence that above or below normal temperatures, respectively, will develop in the forecast window.

  • U.S. Hazards Outlook (Temperature)
    The probabilistic U.S. hazards outlook for temperature hazards across the CONUS and Alaska for the 8­14 day time range contains human drawn delineations of where temperatures are expected to be either much below normal or much above normal AND where those much below (above) normal temperatures pose a hazard to life or property

  • Weeks 3-4 Experimental Outlook Temperature Probability
    In this experimental map, shaded areas show where average temperature has an increased chance of being warmer or cooler than usual. The darker the shading, the greater the chance for the indicated condition. White areas have equal chances for average temperatures that are below, near, or above the long-term average for the month.