DoD Plan for Implementing the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act

DoD Guidance - Publish Date: 10/20/15

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The purpose of this Plan is to describe the planned actions of the Department of Defense (DoD) to implement FITARA and the guidance contained in Management and Budget (OMB) Memo M-15-14, and describe the Department's processes and procedures for managing its Information Technology (IT) investments.


FITARA was intended to improve Agency CIO involvement in, and improve management of IT investments across the government. Pursuant to FITARA, OMB issued M-15-14 to provide guidance to federal agencies regarding implementation of FITARA. That guidance recognized that FITARA, as enacted, included numerous provisions with exceptions or exclusions for the Department of Defense and Intelligence Community (IC), and directed DoD and the IC to clarify the applicability of OMB’s FITARA guidance to their organizations, including alternative requirements or exceptions.

The enclosure describes how the Department will address FITARA provisions and OMB guidance related to:

  • Increasing CIO stature and authorities;
  • Managing high-risk IT investments;
  • Managing agency-wide IT investments as a portfolio;
  • Government-wide data center consolidation;
  • Developing an IT acquisition cadre, and
  • Developing and maximizing use of government-wide strategic sourcing of IT services and supplies.
Signed by:
David Lee DeVries
Terry A. Halvorsen, DoD Chief Information Officer

TAGS: CIO Authorities, DCC

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