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Products & Services - Legislative Services

As a service to our member agencies, COMPASS sometimes takes a position on issues before the Idaho State Legislature. Additionally, the agency pursues funding opportunities for Treasure Valley transportation projects through reauthorization of the federal transportation bill (known as SAFETEA-LU, the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users) and the annual federal appropriations process. The COMPASS Board approves all COMPASS legislative priorities. For more information contact: Matt Stoll, 855-2558 ext 241.

Previous State and Federal Legislative efforts may be obtained here.




Draft legislation will be introduced during the 2008 Idaho Legislature. Coalition for Regional Public Transportation members voiced support for the draft legislation at the group's meeting on October 5, 2007. The draft legislation differs from the bill introduced during the 2007 session. One major difference is that it provides a local funding source for both transit and roadway projects.

Below are links to the one-page summary of the draft legislation, the full draft legislation, a 7-page summary of a recent survey, and a summary of the work of the Coalition.