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Products & Services - Demographics

COMPASS develops population estimates for the Treasure Valley and also prepares forecasts showing the general location of expected growth in population, households and employment over the next 25 years. For more information, contact:Carl Miller, 855-2558 ext. 275.

Homebuyer Report

The Homebuyer Report  identifies the reasons for population growth in the Treasure Valley. The report is the result of a survey of over 800 recent homebuyers in the area and highlights criteria for housing preferences. The report reviews trends in migration patterns and the affect of that migration on transportation by looking at the willingness of  homebuyers to commute, to live close to work, and  to use public transportation. Data from the survey will be also used for population forecasts. To review the Homebuyer Report, click here (6MB).


2010 Census - Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA)

Every 10 years the United States Census Bureau conducts its decennial survey.  For the 2010 Census, the Census Bureau has invited local governments to participate in developing its address file.  The benefits of participation includes accurate census data for planning, budgeting, and pursuing grants, and is the most comprehensive source for demographic and economic information.

To learn how COMPASS and local governments are participating in the decennial census, click here.