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Northern Ada County FY2006-2010 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Conformity Amendment
In March of 2006, the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) received the authority from the Idaho Legislature to bond $200 million as part of the Connecting Idaho (GARVEE) program. As a result, ITD is requesting the FY2006-2010 Northern Ada County TIP be amended to include a widening project on Interstate 84 between the Garrity Road and Meridian Road interchanges. ITD's request triggers the need to re-demonstrate air quality conformity. This document fulfills that need.

Emissions Modeling Files for the Amended FY2006-2010 TIP Regional Emissions Analysis (zip file)
This zipped file contains the MOBILE6.2 input and output files used in the demonstration above.

Northern Ada County Demonistration of Communities in Motion (4.3MB)
This document contains the estimated air quality impacts associated with the Northern Ada County portions of the Communities in Motion regional long range transportation plan.

MOBILE6 Emissions Modeling Files (zip file)
This zip file contains the MOBILE 6.2 input and output files referred to in the Appendices of the draft document.

Particulate Matter Air Quality Conformity Demonstration of the FY2006-2010 Northern Ada County Transportation Improvement Program
This document contains the estimated air quality impacts associated with the Northern Ada County FY2006-2010 Transportation Improvement Program. It also contains an emissions budget test for the purposes of demonstrating air quality conformity as per federal requirements (40CFR93).

Carbon Monoxide Air Quality Planning Analysis of the 2006-2010 Northern Ada County Transportation Improvement Program
This document contains the forecasted impacts on carbon monoxide (CO) emissions associated with the Northern Ada County FY2006-2010 Transportation Improvement Program. It is intended to facilitate the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality's air quality planning efforts. A regional emissions analysis for CO is not required to demonstrate conformity.

Emissions Modeling Files for the Regional Emissions Analysis (zip file)
This zipped files contains the MOBILE 6.2 input and output files referred to in the Appendices of both of the above documents.