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People & Structure - Organizational Documents & Policies - Annual Reports

An annual report for COMPASS is in development. A highlight of agency accomplishments from January 2004 through December 2005 follows:

Goal One – Communications & Public Awareness

  • Strategic planning process: included Board and staff workshops to identify missions, vision, values, and goals
  • Redesigned agency materials, which will include new website for easier access, comprehensive brochures, and a new graphic image
  • Created and implemented public presentation series
  • Enhanced awareness of agency through public involvement efforts during Communities in Motion, the regional long-range transportation plan
  • Created, recruited, and selected the public participation committee
  • Supported and joined sponsorships and partnerships with Boise State University (for Bicycle Congress and for “Planning Our Future” public presentation), Ada County Highway District and Valley Regional Transit (for May in Motion), and the Discovery Center of Idaho (Alternative Energy Conference)

Goal Two – People & Structure

  • Offered three “Jump Start” orientation sessions for Board members and staff, and interested community residents
  • Completed first Certification Review from FHWA and FTA regarding agency procedures and products; received many commendations and one corrective action
  • Commendation from federal agencies on format and readability of Unified Planning Work Program
  • Year-end financial sweep, known as “balancing,” continues to be unique in country
  • Annual audit confirms solid operations
  • Review and redesign of staff structure

Goal Three – Planning Excellence & Collaboration

  • Submitted application for Association of Metropolitan Planning Organization grant for access management; was awarded in October 2005
  • Coordinated with Blueprint for Good Growth project in Ada County
  • On-going management team meetings with Ada County Highway District (ACHD) and Valley Regional Transit
  • On-going public affairs staff meetings with ACHD and Idaho Transportation Department
  • Designed and implemented Studies Coordination project, which is a culmination of past efforts to locate information about all regional transportation studies in one place for easy access

Goal Four – Products & Services

  • Completed innovative Congestion Management Plan, which received commendation from federal transportation agencies
  • Completed B-20 Bio-diesel Study, which received national attention
  • On-going process of regional long-range transportation plan (Communities in Motion)
  • Revised “Transportation Improvement Program” document to enhance readability
  • Negotiated and implemented scope of work for corridor studies, in conjunction with ITD
  • Completed “Destination 2030 Limited Plan Update,” the long-range transportation plan for Ada County
  • Improved “Development Monitoring Report” and updated it twice
  • Produced over 500 maps for general public
  • Transitioned geographic data to newer technology
  • Established legislative advocacy program at the state and federal levels
  • Obtained $21.1 million in earmarks for three high priority projects, and eligibility for two more projects for the New Starts program, as part of new federal transportation bill, SAFTEA-LU (Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users)