AQI Forecast By County
Sunday, January 15
Sun Mon

Air Quality Map
The map below is a 1-hour snapshot. Click to view all hours recorded since midnight.
Current map

Games and Activities
Welcome to our Games and Activities page. We've featured links to educational resources for teachers and students to learn about air pollution, its causes, and solutions.

Save Planet Polluto CD-ROM and Website

Save Planet Polluto is a free, interactive CD-ROM adventure created to teach children about air pollution and its impacts on their lives. Through a variety of challenging games with fun, memorable characters, children will learn:
Planet Polluto
  • Air quality terms
  • Air Quality Index (AQI)
  • Health effects of air pollution
  • How to maintain a car's engine
  • How to make healthy land use and transportation
  • How ground-level ozone and particulate matter
    are formed

Play on-line games and order your own free copy of the award-winning CD-ROM adventure.

Smog City shows kids how transportation choices, environment factors and land use affect air pollution levels.

The player controls weather, traffic conditions, industry growth, use of consumer products, and population. The results show children how pollution increases or decreases and how health is affected depending on their choices. The power to control pollution is in your hands!

Climate Kids

Climate Kids
This fun, game-filled site is produced by the Earth Science Communications Team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology.

Global Warming Kids Site

This fun site, created by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, teaches kids about climate change. It features nine learning sections, plus games, animation and stuff for teachers.
Global Warming Kids Site

AIRNow Site for Students

Are you breathing clean air?
Visit the US EPA's AIRNow site for students.

The Know Zone

Learn all about smog.
Go to the Know Zone!
Know Zone

Air Pollution: What's the Solution?

Air Pollution: What's the Solution?
Use real-time, on-line air quality data to discover the science behind the causes and effects of ground-level ozone. It's an educational project for students grades 6-12 that includes teacher resources.