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These resources provide more information about hydropower and marine hydrokinetic technologies, as well as current research and programs in this field. Information about marine and hydrokinetic resources, government activities and research, water power associations and organizations, learning activities, and homeowner resources are available here.

Marine and Hydrokinetic Resources

Federal agencies that are involved in marine and hydrokinetic research and activities.

Research Laboratories and Government

Information from U.S. Department of Energy's national laboratories and other federal agencies that are involved in water power research.

U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratories
Federal Agencies

Associations and Organizations

Associations and organizations with information about water power or that are involved in water power projects and research.

Educational Resources

Educational resources for students, ranging from elementary level to high school level materials.

Homeowner Resources

Resources for homeowners who are interested in learning more about using water power at their own homes. Includes information about microhydropower and identifying water power opportunities in your state.