eeCompass is the ultimate resource for evaluating modern consumer appliances’ adherence to energy efficiency requirements developed through and enforced by the Department of Energy’s Appliance and Equipment Standards program. Appliance manufacturers must ensure certification and compliance with DOE standards prior to distributing their products in the United States.

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The U.S. Department of Energy’s Compliance Certification Management System (CCMS), allows manufacturers and third-party representatives to create, submit and track certification reports online.

The Compliance Certification Database houses manufacturer submitted certification reports and compliance statements of products covered by Federal conservation standards and offers an easy-to-use search function for in-depth analysis and review.

does energy efficiency matter?

The more energy efficient a product is, the more you’ll save on your energy bill over its lifetime. Read more...about energy efficiency

do energy conservation standards accomplish?

Consumers can’t tell by appearance whether one appliance will require more energy and cost more to operate than another. Standards ensure a minimum level of energy performance, which means reduced energy consumption and lower energy bills. Read more...about energy conservation standards

do energy conservation standards benefit consumers?

Standards implemented since 1987 saved American consumers $63 billion on their energy bills in 2015 alone. Read more...about energy conservation

Graphic stats about new energy efficient appliances
