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Carbon Dioxide Emissions Coefficients

 Release Date: February 2, 2016  |  Also available in spreadsheet

Carbon Dioxide Emissions Coefficients by Fuel
  Pounds CO2 Kilograms CO2 Pounds CO2 Kilograms CO2
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Factors: Per Unit of Volume or Mass Volume or Mass Million Btu Million Btu
For homes and businesses
Propane 12.70/gallon 5.76/gallon 139.05 63.07
Butane 14.80/gallon 6.71/gallon 143.20 64.95
Butane/Propane Mix 13.70/gallon 6.21/gallon 141.12 64.01
Home Heating and Diesel Fuel (Distillate) 22.40/gallon 10.16/gallon 161.30 73.16
Kerosene 21.50/gallon 9.75/gallon 159.40 72.30
Coal (All types) 4,631.50/short ton 2,100.82/short ton 210.20 95.35
Natural Gas 117.10/thousand cubic feet 53.12/thousand cubic feet 117.00 53.07
Gasoline 19.60/gallon 8.89/gallon 157.20 71.30
Residual Heating Fuel (Businesses only) 26.00/gallon 11.79/gallon 173.70 78.79
Other transportation fuels
Jet Fuel 21.10/gallon 9.57/gallon 156.30 70.90
Aviation Gas 18.40/gallon 8.35/gallon 152.60 69.20
Industrial fuels and others not listed above
Flared natural gas 120.70/thousand cubic feet 54.75/thousand cubic feet 120.60 54.70
Petroleum coke 32.40/gallon 14.70/gallon 225.10 102.10
Other petroleum & miscellaneous 22.09/gallon 10.02/gallon 160.10 72.62
Nonfuel uses
Asphalt and Road Oil 26.34/gallon 11.95/gallon 166.70 75.61
Lubricants 23.62/gallon 10.72/gallon 163.60 74.21
Petrochemical Feedstocks 24.74/gallon 11.22/gallon 156.60 71.03
Special Naphthas (solvents) 20.05/gallon 9.10/gallon 160.50 72.80
Waxes 21.11/gallon 9.57/gallon 160.10 72.62
Coal by type
Anthractie 5,685.00/short ton 2,578.68/short ton 228.60 103.70
Bituminous 4,931.30/short ton 2,236.80/short ton 205.70 93.30
Subbituminous 3,715.90/short ton 1,685.51/short ton 214.30 97.20
Lignite 2,791.60/short ton 1,266.25/short ton 215.40 97.70
Coke 6,239.68/short ton 2,830.27/short ton 251.60 114.12
Other fuels
Geothermal (average all generation) NA NA 16.99 7.71
Municiple Solid Waste 5,771.00/short ton 2,617.68/short ton 91.90 41.69
Tire-derived fuel 6,160.00/short ton 2,794.13/short ton 189.54 85.97
Waste oil 924.0/barrel 419.12/barrel 210.00 95.25
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates.
Note: To convert to carbon equivalents multiply by 12/44. Coefficients may vary slightly with estimation method and across time.

Detailed factors (discontinued)