Know your Surroundings

studentBeing a kid is wonderful. You see the world in a different perspective from grown-ups. You also feel a different way about things like the environment. Many people in the US take what they have for granted like clean air and clean water. My sister and I found out that 21,000 people in the US die due to radon every year; and we were shocked.  About 500 people die in Colorado each year from radon and not enough is being done about it.

Our family spends a lot of time in our basement which increases the amount of radon we inhale. I have asthma and this makes me passionate about promoting clean air. We started a Radon Awareness Project to spread the word about Radon. In the past year, we have helped a lot of people learn about radon, its harmful effects and what can be done to test for it and reduce radon levels.

Think of what you are passionate about and how you can help that cause. Being a kid does not mean you cannot make an impact. You could start in your backyard with being more green and recycling or tackle global warming.  Go take action!

Learn more at: and

Eric in Colorado is 12 years old and in the 6th grade.