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Rooftop solar is growing rapidly, but red tape and additional costs can still get in the way. We explore the reasons why -- and how the Energy Department is working to make going solar easier -- in this episode of our podcast, Direct Current.

Rooftop solar is growing rapidly, but red tape and additional costs can still get in the way. We explore the reasons why -- and how the Energy Department is working to make going solar easier -- in this episode of our podcast, Direct Current.

The tremendous growth in the U.S. solar industry is helping to pave the way to a cleaner, more sustainable energy future. Over the past few years, the cost of a solar energy system has dropped significantly -- helping to give more American families and business access to affordable, clean energy.

Through a portfolio of R&D efforts, including the SunShot Initiative, the Energy Department remains committed to leveraging America’s abundant solar energy resources -- driving research, manufacturing and market solutions to support widespread expansion of the nation’s solar market.


Top 6 Things You Didn't Know About Solar Energy
Installing a concentrating solar power system in Gila Bend, Arizona. The curved  mirrors are tilted toward the sun, focusing sunlight on tubes that run the length of the mirrors. The reflected sunlight heats a fluid flowing through the tubes. The hot fluid then is used to boil water in a conventional steam-turbine generator to produce electricity. | Photo by Dennis Schroeder.

Counting down our list of top things you didn't know about solar energy -- read on for more on the most abundant energy resource known to mankind.

Soft Costs 101: The Key to Achieving Cheaper Solar Energy

When buying a solar power system, hardware is not the only expense. There are also "soft costs": permits, financing, installation costs, and more. EERE's SunShot Initiative is working to address those, so that solar power can be even more cost-competitive.

Quiz: Test Your Solar IQ

How much do you know about solar power? Test your knowledge with our solar IQ quiz!

Solar Energy Jobs Outpace U.S. Economy
American solar power continued its rapid growth in 2015, adding new jobs 12 times faster than the rest of the economy, while saving customers tens of millions of dollars per year on energy bills. | Photo courtesy of O2emc.

American solar power continued its rapid growth in 2015, adding new jobs 12 times faster than the rest of the economy, while saving customers tens of millions of dollars per year on energy bills.