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Science & Innovation

  • Mars Rover Curiosity

    Mars Rover Curiosity landed safely on the planet's surface with an array of equipment powered with technology developed at the National Labs.

  • Dark Energy Cam

    Fermilab's 570-megapixels, five-ton Dark Energy camera is expanding our understanding of the universe.

  • Celebrating the Higgs boson

    Scientists recently found evidence of the elusive particle that fills the space between subatomic particles.

Energy Today

From R&D to You: A Thriving Innovation Engine

From advanced battery technologies and new biofuel technologies to clean energy generation and energy efficient products and buildings, the Department’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) has played an important role in bringing novel technologies from lab to market. Learn more about this thriving innovating engine.

ARPA-E Technology Showcase: Project Spotlight
William Mouat explains the PolyPlus battery technology. | Energy Department photo, credit Ken Shipp.

We checked in with ten outstanding technologies on display at the 2011 ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit to find out how the transformational projects will change our energy future.

Energy Tomorrow

Electrofuels: Tiny Organisms Making a Big Impact
Science & Innovation

Biofuels produced here in the U.S. increase our energy security, but there is still a need for next-generation renewable fuels that can be integrated into the nation's current fuel refining and distribution infrastructure. If successful, electrofuels projects sponsored by ARPA-E could help fill this void.

Researchers Borrow From Fir Tree to Create Biodiesel
Rajit Sapar analyzes samples at the Joint BioEnergy Institute's lab. | Photo by Roy Kaltschmidt at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.

Researchers at the Office of Science’s Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI) have tapped an unlikely source to help create a renewable alternative to diesel fuel.