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Understanding your climate zone can help you determine the best energy-saving landscaping strategies for your home. <a href="/energysaver/articles/landscaping-energy-efficient-homes">Learn more about landscaping for energy-efficient homes</a>.

Understanding your climate zone can help you determine the best energy-saving landscaping strategies for your home. Learn more about landscaping for energy-efficient homes.

A well-designed landscape provides more than just aesthetics for your home; it also can reduce your heating and cooling costs. For the greatest comfort and energy savings, consider your climate and watering needs, as well as your home's microclimate, wind, and shade when designing your landscape. 


Energy Saver 101 Infographic: Landscaping
Our new Energy Saver 101 infographic highlights everything you need to know to landscape for energy savings. Download a <a href="/node/898361">high resolution version</a> of the infographic or individual sections. | Infographic by <a href="/node/379579">Sarah Gerrity</a>, Energy Department.

Our new infographic covers everything you need to know about energy-saving landscaping.

Landscaping for Shade
A trellis with a climbing vine can shade a home and still allow air circulation. 
| Photo courtesy of John Krigger, Saturn Resource.

Solar heat absorbed through windows and roofs can increase cooling costs, and incorporating shade from landscaping elements can help reduce this solar heat gain.

Landscape Windbreaks and Efficiency
Windbreaks, such as this farmstead windbreak in northwest Iowa, can reduce home heating costs. | Photo courtesy of Lynn Betts, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

A well-designed landscape not only can add beauty to your home but it also can reduce your heating and cooling costs.

Landscaping Water Conservation
This colorful water-conserving landscape requires only one-quarter the water a bluegrass lawn would use. | Photo courtesy of Jim Knopf.

You can design a landscape that conserves water as well as energy.

#AskEnergySaver: Saving Energy During Summer
In the summer, hot temperatures can lead to higher electricity bills as you try to stay cool. Learn how you can lower your electricity costs without impacting your comfort. | Photo courtesy of ©

Answering your questions about saving energy during summer -- from ways to lower your energy bills without impacting your comfort to when to adjust your thermostat to save the most energy.