Slideshow Featured Content

  • FBA Yarmouth Access Site

    Massachusetts Fishing & Boating Facility Viewer

    Our new FBA Facility Viewer makes it easy to find a fishing or boating access site near you.

    Learn More »

  • Fly Fishing

    2016 Hunting & Fishing Licenses

    Get your 2016 hunting, sporting, fishing, and trapping licenses.

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  • Pond Maps Getting a Makeover

    MassWildlife is updating pond maps of Massachusetts for anglers and boaters.

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  • Commercial fishing catch

    Commercial fishing permits

    Secure any required commercial fishing permits from the Division of Marine Fisheries.

    Learn More »

Key Resources

  • Maps and Destinations
    Looking for a place to go fishing, hunting, boating, hiking or wildlife watching?  We have maps of Wildlife Management Areas, boating access sites, ponds, and more.
  • DFG In-Lieu Fee Program for Massachusetts

    An overview of the In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Program. On May 23, 2014 the Department of Fish & Game (DFG) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) signed an agreement making DFG the sponsor of a new in-lieu fee program (ILFP) for Massachusetts. ILFP gives U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ permittees the new option of paying an in-lieu fee to DFG as mitigation for project impacts to federally-regulated aquatic resources in Massachusetts.

  • Living with Wildlife

    Having difficulties with coyotes in your neighborhood?  Or, has a colony of bats taken up residence in your attic?  Is it ever helpful to move a fawn or any young animal?  Learn the answers to these and other questions in Living with Wildlife.

  • Vernal Pool Certification

    Help the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program ‘certify’ the occurrence of vernal pools by documenting use by one or more groups of species that rely on this unique habitat.  Certification provides protection of vernal pools through regulatory oversight in specific cases.

  • Commercial Regulations

    These are Commercial Fishing Regulation summary tables for finfish, shellfish & seaworms, and lobster & crabs.