• Overview of MassGIS Data

    Description of how MassGIS Data is organized, and a general introduction of the broad categories the database - Base Map, Environmental, and Census. Includes details on the Massachusetts State Plane coordinate system and a brief overview on understanding map scale.

  • MassGIS Datalayers

    A complete list of all datalayers distributed by MassGIS, each with a link to each individual layer's complete description page. Organized into the following categories:

    • Image Data
    • Census/Demographic Data
    • Coastal and Marine Features
    • Conservation/Recreation
    • Cultural Resources
    • Environmental Monitoring
    • Indexes
    • Infrastructure
    • Physical Resources
    • Political/Administrative Boundaries
    • Regulated Areas
    • Miscellaneous
  • ArcSDE Layer Names and Descriptions of MassGIS Data

    Names and descriptions of the vector and raster layers, tables, and views in MassGIS' Oracle-based ArcSDE geodatabase.