
Best of GovLoop 2016

>> Want more gov fun? Check out this post, TOP 10 IMPRESSIVE GOVERNMENT SUCCESSES OF 2016

Here at GovLoop we have blogged a lot this year. We’ve brought you stories on everything from the NIST Cyber framework, to HR best practices, to the presidential transition. If one thing has become clear from all of the topics that we have covered this year, it is that our govies are working hard to innovate practices and to become more efficient. As the year draws to a close, we wanted to share with you the most popular GovLoop stories from 2016.

The following list is compiled of the top ten GovLoop posts with the most page views over the past year:

  1. 7 Signs it’s Time to Quit Your Job

Leaving a job is hard but sometimes it has to be done. Check out these seven red flags that probably indicate it is time to move on.

  1. Pokémon Go: 3 Things for Government Nerds to Consider

The unprecedented Pokémon Go craze had people all over the world trying to catch them all. Whether you played the game or not, it is likely that you never thought about how it could boost government morale. Check out this cool analysis showing how the app could have a positive impact on the government arena.

  1. 4 Ways to Attract and Keep Federal Employees—Including Millennials

We’ve all heard the whispers—the silver tsunami is coming. Even if you have the best HR department of all the federal agencies, you probably could still use a few recruitment and retention tips. Learn how you can more effectively scout talent across generations from this post.

  1. Snapchat for Government: The Basics

As agencies continue to modernize, they are looking for ways to improve how they connect with the people they serve. Snapchat is one way agencies can get on the fast track to increased citizen engagement. In this post, you’ll learn what Snapchat is and how it can be most effectively utilized at your agency.

  1. How to Make Job Descriptions Female-Friendly

Did you know that men and women respond to job advertisements differently? For the most part, women only apply to jobs that they believe they meet 100 percent of the qualifications for while men will apply for jobs where they feel they meet about 60 percent of the qualifications. Check out this article to see how you can improve your job descriptions to attract more women to government jobs.

  1. Tailor Your Cover Letter to a Government Job

If you’re like me, you probably see cover letters as an all consuming beast and the worst part of job applications. However, they are a necessary evil as they give you the chance to show off your skills and accomplishment in a way your resume can’t. Learn how you can create the perfect federal cover letter in this post.

  1. A Money-Saving Benefit You Are Not Using

We all like saving money, especially around the holidays. Fortunately, there is a little known government program that allows you to do just that. Check out this article to see how you can make the Federal Flexible Spending Account Program work for you.

  1. The Best Government Conferences of 2017

Are you ready to start filling your 2017 calendar with professional development events? Look no further than this comprehensive list of government friendly professional development conference taking place in the coming year. Whether it’s a program on GIS or social media, this list has something for you.

  1. 5 Ways a Trump Administration Could Affect Government Employees

One of the coolest things about working for the federal government is that you get to pick a new boss every four years. Despite this freedom, every new administration brings change and challenges. The best way to overcome these challenges is to go into the new administration prepared. Read this post to see how the upcoming transition could affect you.

  1. 3 Tips to Negotiate a Government Salary

A lot of people go into their government jobs thinking that salary is non-negotiable. While there are strict guidelines surrounding government hiring authorities, you can negotiate a higher salary if you know where to look for the wiggle room. Check out these tips to getting the salary you want.

Check back next year for more coverage of your favorite topics!

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