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Diverse Fungi Secrete Similar Suite of Decomposition Enzymes08.26.16Science Highlight

Diverse Fungi Secrete Similar Suite of Decomposition Enzymes

Analyses reveal diversity in carbon turnover and other degradation processes, offering insights for biofuel production.

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New Mathematics08.26.16Science Highlight

New Math Captures Fluids in Unprecedented Detail

New approach could benefit applications as diverse as propeller and printers.

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Defects, Electrons, and a Long-Standing Controversy08.24.16Science Highlight

Defects, Electrons, and a Long-Standing Controversy

Scientists explain diverse results around a material that is both insulator and conductor and offer chemical roadmap to harness it.

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Improved Tests of the Weak Nuclear Force from Beta Decay08.19.16Science Highlight

Improved Tests of the Weak Nuclear Force from Beta Decay

Studies of the neutrinos emitted in the radioactive decay of nuclei held in an ion trap allow sensitive searches for new interactions.

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Breathable and Stretchable Protein Wafers08.19.16Science Highlight

Breathable and Stretchable Protein Wafers

A simple chemical bonding approach enables assembly of very thin porous protein crystals that are bendable and adaptive—requirements for flexible electronics or batteries.

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Fast and Furious Bucket Brigade08.19.16Science Highlight

Fast and Furious Bucket Brigade

Confining water in tiny straws confirms predicted rapid transport of protons along a water “wire”—vital for more efficient fuel cells.

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Determining Real Molecules in Operating Batteries08.17.16Science Highlight

Determining Real Molecules in Operating Batteries

Scientists determined new molecular-level information at the solid/liquid interface, pushing toward better energy storage devices.

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“High-Occupancy” Vehicle (HOV) Battery08.17.16Science Highlight

“High-Occupancy” Vehicle (HOV) Battery

Towards higher energy density batteries: singly charged lithium ions replaced by doubly charged magnesium ions.

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Finding Where the Missing Proton Goes in Water08.07.16Science Highlight

Finding Where the Missing Proton Goes in Water

Researchers tackle a grand challenge by capturing vibrations in the “magic” cage formed when 21-water molecules capture a single proton.

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Unmasking the Molecule08.07.16Science Highlight

Unmasking the Molecule

Researchers reveal the structure of individual chemical bonds using specialized imaging techniques.

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Last modified: 11/9/2015 8:58:42 PM