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Reviewing Our Greenlist™ Process

Since its development in 2001, we have continued to review and improve the SC Johnson Greenlist™ process.

We developed the SC Johnson Greenlist™ process according to rigorous scientific best practice. It was created with input from recognized experts such as the United Kingdom’s Forum For the Future and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as well as help from suppliers, university scientists and other organizations. In this way, we ensured the criteria used for rankings were meaningful, objective and valid.

It has been scientifically reviewed by organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund and received third-party validation from the Green Chemistry Institute, a division of the American Chemical Society devoted to promoting and advancing green chemistry.

The process also has been recognized with various awards, including two Presidential awards. In 2006, SC Johnson received the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award and the Ron Brown Award for Corporate Leadership for our work on the SC Johnson Greenlist™ process.

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