U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service   Exhibit 4, 251 FW 2

FWM#:         336 (New)
Date:             April 12, 1999
Series:           Budget
Part 251:       Budget Justification
Originating Office:  Division of Budget  


Bureau: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

General Information:
Project Name Headquarters Complex
Admin. Unit (Region/State Park/Refuge/etc.) Region 5, Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
State/County/Congressional District Massachusetts/Essex/06
General Location Plum Island, MA
House/Senate Member's $ Request $3,160,000

Proposed Amendment: Proposal to complete construction on the Parker River NWR Headquarters Complex. There is pledge of $1,000,000 from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to complete this project.

Purpose/Program: The current Refuge Headquarters Building was built in the early 1950's on the congested north end of Plum Island. There are several problems with the facility that should be corrected to fully support the public use of these public lands. Visitor contact space at the Headquarters Building is non-existent, and the Headquarters Building is located too far (2.5 miles) from the Refuge entrance to accommodate the heavy public use.

The existing office space, visitor contact station and maintenance buildings are old, overcrowded, energy inefficient, and do not meet modern construction, life safety, or accessibility codes. The visitor contact station is only 240 square-feet in size, which is inadequate for its intended purpose and visitation. Annual visitation to the Refuge ranges from 250,000 to 475,000 people, with a potential of 600,000 visits per year. The proposed facility will contain a 13,200 square foot office space for the refuge staff and a visitor contact area. The project will include the headquarters/visitor center building, including site preparation, utilities, interpretive features, equipment, furnishings and landscaping. This project will significantly increase the Refuge's capability to provide interpretive and wildlife recreational opportunities for the public and will enhance refuge operations and outdoor educational opportunities to the over 1,000 teachers that visit the facility annually with 12,000 plus students (300 area schools) within commuting distance. Future construction of a 6,000 square foot maintenance building will complete the headquarters complex as planned.

As a result of operations by the previous owner, the proposed headquarters complex site was found to be contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)s and other contaminants. The Service obtained construction funding in FY 1992 and FY 1993 to clean up the site. In 1992, the Service completed Preliminary and Comprehensive Site Assessment Studies in accordance with Massachusetts Contingency Plan regulations. In 1993, a Final Remedial Response Plan was prepared, and a Value Engineering (VE) study was subsequently performed. Cleanup work started in July 1995 and was substantially completed in
November 1995. Implementation of several of the VE recommendations, combined with the adoption of cleanup standards developed by the State of Massachusetts, enabled the Service to achieve a significant savings in the cost of the cleanup effort.

The Massachusetts Audubon Society has recently purchased a parcel of land across the street from the existing site and will participate in a complementary partnership regarding programs, interpretive facilities, birding tours, and educational opportunities.

Of the ten major Refuges in the Service's Northeast Region, Parker River Refuge ranks number 2 in annual public visitation; accounts for 38 percent of the Region's Duck Stamp sales; and yet is the only one of the ten most visited refuges that does not have a Visitor Center.

In 1996, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts pledged $1,000,000 towards the construction of the new Headquarters/Visitor Services Complex. With the Service's $1,150,000 made available through Congressional reprogramming of FY 1992 and 1993 appropriations, $2,150,000 is currently available for planning, design and partial construction of the complex. Significantly short of the funds needed to complete the project, the Service could take the project through initial planning stage and prepare the site for future construction with the funds currently available.

With the additional $3,160,000 being requested, the project would be divided into the following three phases:

Phase I: ($600,000 for planning and design)

The ongoing phase of the project will include the complete planning and design for headquarters/visitor center building and exhibits. This phase also includes the planning and design of the maintenance building to the point of design development.

Phase II: ($4,710,000, which includes $3,160,000 House/Senate Member's request plus $1,550,000 from Phase I funds)

The project will include utility installation, site preparation, and construction of the headquarters/visitor center building, exhibits, and purchasing equipment and furnishings for the building. Site work in the form of landscaping, lighting, parking lot, kiosks, and sidewalk construction will also be included.

Phase III: ($1,000,000)

The last phase of the project will complete the design and construction of the Maintenance/Storage Building, equipment and furnishings, and site development work. The existing Maintenance Complex on the north end of Plum Island will continue to be utilized until the Phase III construction work is completed.

The many benefits of a new Headquarters include: improved service to the visiting public; an increase in public knowledge, awareness and appreciation of wildlife; enhanced environmental educational opportunities for a potential 1,200 school groups annually (K through 12, College/University level); interpretive programs and exhibits for an estimated 300,000 Center visitors per year; as well as an estimated economic benefit ranging from $12 to $26 million in direct and indirect expenditures in the nearby cities and towns and the general area as well (based on a 1993-94 survey by the University of New Hampshire).

Support for construction of a new Headquarters is widespread, including the local business sector, City of Newburyport, Friends of the Parker River Refuge (more than 125 members), over 40 birding groups (representing 4-5,000 members), Massachusetts Audubon Society, Essex County Greenbelt Association, and others. The Refuge is located within an easy day=s drive of roughly 5-6 million people, including the metropolitan areas of Boston, Worcester, and Springfield, Massachusetts; as well as Providence, Rhode Island; Hartford, Connecticut; Portsmouth, New Hampshire; and Portland, Maine.

However, this project increase was not included in the President's Budget and is not a priority of the Department. The Department does not support the addition of funds for any purpose or project that would result in the reductions for programs or projects included in the Budget.

Is the project on DOI owned land? Yes X  No  N/A
If no, how much is required for land acquisition? N/A
Is proposed amount under the development ceiling? Yes No N/A X
Is facility a National Landmark, Historic Structure on National Register, etc.? Yes No X N/A
If yes, what exactly? N/A

If not a DOI facility, what is significance of facility? N/A
If not a DOI project, what authority does the bureau have to make the award? N/A
Is bill language needed? Yes No X N/A
If yes, please provide recommended language: N/A

Will the bureau do the planning? 
Is the LUP/Activity Planning/NEPA work done?
Is the proposal consistent with the LUP?
If necessary, has General Management Plan/Development Concept Plan covering this work been done, and is this project consistent with the GMP?
Yes X 
Yes X
Yes X
Yes X
Are there any preconditions for the beginning of planning, (such as an EIS, the determining or purchasing of site, or finishing prior phase)? Yes X No N/A
If yes, what are they? Order of Conditions to Build from local Conservation Commission and possible local Planning Board variance.
Is the project planning, i.e., engineering and initial design work completed? Yes No X  N/A
If no, what stage is project planning? Conceptual - An Architectural and Engineering (A&E) firm is in the process of designing the facility.
Is A&E work/contract completed? Yes No X  N/A
If no, is funding included to accomplish it? 
As part of Phase I of this project, a combined FY 1997 Appropriation and a pledge of funding from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are being used for the design of the facility and partial construction.
Yes No X N/A

How much money will be needed post current fiscal year to complete planning (to point of IFB) for the proposed phase? N/A
Does bureau have the capability to complete engineering & design work within the year the funds would be appropriated?  Yes X No  N/A

Who will do the planning (DSC staff; A&E; Region staff; Other)? Regional staff and an A&E firm are currently executing the planning and design of the complex.

How many months after the dollars are appropriated will it take to complete planning (to point of IFB)? N/A, because planning and design are ongoing.
Aside from planning required to construct proposed phase, will any planning be required post next fiscal year to finish the total job? Yes X No N/A 
If yes, estimate of how much? $75,000 will be required in Phase III to complete the design of the Maintenance Building.

If not a DOI project, can any statement be made as to the feasibility of the proposal? Yes No N/A X

If not a DOI project, who would be the recipient of the funds? N/A
Is any cost-sharing planned with non-Federal entities? Yes No X N/A
Amount, for what phase, and with whom? N/A

If any appropriations have already been received for this project, indicate:

FY                                                                      ($000's)

1985                                                                        426
1992                                                                     4,270
1993                                                                     1,164
1997                                                                     1,150
Total                                                                     7,010

What has been done? Land acquisition in 1985; hazardous material cleanup 1992-1996; and planning/design in 1998 (ongoing).

What is left (including $): Completion of planning/design; utility installation, site preparation, and construction of the headquarters/visitor center building, exhibits, and purchasing equipment and furnishings for the building. Site work for construction of landscaping, lighting, a parking lot, sidewalks, and kiosks would be included. Finally, design and construction of the maintenance/storage building, equipment and furnishings, and site development work is needed.

When were the funds first appropriated? For what?

FY                                                                  ($000's)                       Purpose
1985                                                                    426                         Land Acquisition
1992                                                                 4,270                         Hazardous Waste Cleanup
1993                                                                 1,164                         Hazardous Waste Cleanup
1997                                                                 1,150                         Non-add; use of surplus cleanup savings.
Total                                                                 7,010

0 & M costs? N/A

Status of Obligation? Cleanup contract is complete, and design of the complex is ongoing.

If DOI project, what is our gross estimate for the phase of construction now proposed? First Phase of Construction (see Funding Summary - Phase II) is $4,710,000.

This estimate is based on what stage of planning? Conceptual

When was this estimate made? 1998

Estimate was made by whom? Region 5 Engineering office.

The estimate for this phase includes what major construction components? Phase II: Site work, utilities, headquarters/visitor center building, exhibits, equipment and furniture.

Considering planning needs, construction could be awarded how long, in months, after appropriation is made? 6 months for Phase II
Can the proposed project be further phased? Yes No X N/A
If yes, in what way? N/A

What are the dollar costs of each phase, if further divided, and how much extra is it anticipated to cost to further phase? The project cannot be further phased.

What is current gross estimate for all phases of this job beyond that proposed (outyears)? $1,000,000

What are major physical components of these future phases? Construction of the maintenance building, site work, parking, equipment and landscaping.

Operations and Maintenance:

Include a statement on the future operations and maintenance impacts? Operations will become more efficient, safer and more accessible to the public and staff.

What will be the additional operating costs and FTE requirements when complete? The new Headquarters will replace an existing inadequate facility. There should be no additional operating and maintenance costs except for unknown salaries of six additional FTE's that are anticipated. The use of volunteers and cooperating associations for staffing is also planned.

Funding Summary:

PHASE I: Complete Planning and Design for the new headquarters/visitor center building.

                Planning               $ 280,000             ( 3 months)
                Design                 $ 320,000             ( 4 months)
                Total                    $ 600,000             ( 7 months)

                Remaining funds $1,550,000 to be used for construction in Phase II. Funds are included in the Construction
                total in  Phase II.

PHASE II: Construction management and the construction of the new headquarters/visitor center building.

                Construction         $4,710,000         (18 months)
PHASE III: Finish the Contract Documents for the new maintenance building. Construction management and the construction of the maintenance building.

                Design                  $ 75,000               ( 2 months)
                Construction         $ 925,000             ( 9 months)
                Total                     $1,000,000          (11 months)

Appropriation: Construction
Subactivity: Wildlife Refuges
Funding History:
Prior to FY 1998 FY 1998 Enacted FY 1999 Pres. Budget Member's Request Future
$7,011,000  $0 $0 $3,160,000 $1,000,000
$1,000,000  Pledge from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Krista Bibb, in the Division of Policy and Directives Management, at Krista_Bibb@fws.gov.  For information on the content of this exhibit, contact the Division of Budget. 
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