Exhibit 2, 202 FW 3
Creating an XML-Coded Document and Submitting It to the Office of the Federal Register


April 12, 2010

Series: Administrative Procedure

Part 202: The Federal Register

Originating Office: Division of Policy and Directives Management



PDF Version


MS Word Version






PDM: XML Tagging Contact, 703–358–1730


1. Prepare Microsoft Word document using the “EDITORIAL GUIDELINES FOR XML-CODED FEDERAL REGISTER DOCUMENTS” in Exhibit 3.


2. Contact the PDM XML tagging contact as early as possible (as soon as you have a draft of your document, or at least 2 weeks ahead of your Federal Register due date) to set up a schedule for creating your coded document. Contacting PDM early in the process is especially important if you have a complex document (one with many tables or maps).


3. When you send the document to the Office of the Executive Secretariat for clearance:

  • Insert the name of the person who signed the document and date that person signed it into the Word document on the signature page (such as “/s/Sam Hamilton”).
  • Change the billing code (top of first page) to read “Billing Code 4310–55–S”. The “S” tells the Federal Register to charge the reduced rate. Move the billing code to the end of the document, under the signature line. If the title with strike-through font is under the signature line, delete the stricken title.
  • E-mail the document to the XML tagging contact and tell that person when it’s due to the Federal Register. [If you send the file before it gets signed, follow up by sending the date and signer’s name as soon as you know them. Remember to let PDM know if it’s an acting signer.]


4. PDM will e-mail the coded document back to you usually within a few days; the length of time it takes to code a document depends on workload, the priority of your action in relation to other actions, and the complexity of your document.  (See section 2 above.)


PDM’s e-mail back to you will include two files:

·        A *.pdf of the 3-column version (which you can open and read), and

·        A *.txt version that has the codes (this is the XML-coded document; you can open it in Word, but you will see all of the codes in the text).


5.  Review the *.pdf (3-column) version to make sure it translated correctly. If you need to make corrections, let PDM know as soon as possible. PDM will re-do the 3-column version and the *.txt version.


6. What to send to Federal Register:

  • Two Microsoft Word copies of your document.  Make sure you have original, signed signature pages on these copies.
  • One copy of the *.pdf file (3-column version). If needed, attach maps at the end, in their proper order. Attach your third original, signed signature page to the end of this copy.
  • A disk with the *.txt file. DO NOT put the Word file or the *.pdf file on the disk.
  • A disk certification letter (use the example below as a template). If you don’t have maps to attach (see paragraph 2), simply end that sentence after the word “rule.”









Raymond A. Mosley, Director

Office of the Federal Register

800 N. Capitol St. NW, Suite 700

Washington, DC  20001

[destination phone number (e.g., Fed Ex airbill requires it): 202–741–6000]



Dear Mr. Mosley:


I certify that the enclosed diskette containing an XML file is a true and correct copy of the document submitted by this agency and delivered this date to your office that is entitled: [insert title from Subject line; e.g., Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Critical Habitat for the Bay Checkerspot Butterfly (Euphydryas editha bayensis)].


I am submitting in this format to receive the discount on page costs offered by the Government Printing Office. Two standard copies of the document are enclosed in this submission. I have also enclosed a three-column version of the rule with maps attached at the end.


Please send an email to FWS_FedRegPub@fws.gov to confirm the publication date of this document.


Thank you.






[Your name]

[Your title or program]







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