Exhibit 1, 244 FW 2
Sample Blast Plan


Date: November 24, 2010

Series: Occupational Safety and Health

Part 244: Explosives Safety

Originating Office: Division of Safety and Health



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Blast Plan for Froggie Bottom_NWR.


1.  __Jane Doe___ has been designated as the Blaster-in-Charge for this operation.


2.  Blasting crew qualifications & experience:


            Blaster-in-Charge –  Jane Doe_:

·             Has completed initial Service explosives safety training and maintained refresher safety explosives training.

·             Has maintained blasting authorization per Service policy (244 FW 2).

·             Has completed first-aid and CPR training.

·             Has been assigned as Blaster-in-Charge for many blasting operations.

·             Has provided training on blasting operations.


Blasters-in-Training – __Ted King and JoeEllen Danner_:

·             Have completed first aid and CPR training.

·             Have completed initial Blaster-in-training class.

·             Have reviewed Service policy 244 FW 1, “Explosives Safety.”

·             Have reviewed Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) on blasting.



            Observers – ___Paul Lemp and Todd Allen_:

·             Have reviewed the JHA on blasting.

·             Have received a safety briefing before entering the net area.

·             Are not allowed to participate in the blasting operations.


3.         Blasting location____Frog Pond Site_____


4.         Date of blasting _____11/20/2010_____   @ 7:00 a.m.


5.         Explosive used for this operation: Kinepak

Quantity/type explosives material transported to site: 
2 box Kinepak Solid, 2 boxes Kinepak Liquid.

Quantity/type explosives material used at site:
1 box Kinepak Solid, 1 box Kinepak Liquid.

Quantity/type explosives material returned to home station:
1 box Kinepak Solid, 1 box Kinepak Liquid


6.         Explosives must be transported and stored per Service policy 244 FW 1 and 244 FW 2


7.         Must contact local authorities to notify of explosive operations and secure local permit if required.


8.         Must contact local weather station for daily report.


9.         A review of the area for locations of electrical transmission lines or towers, radio towers, and phone towers was conducted and operations will not be compromised by electrical/radio frequencies.


10.       Standard procedures for handling, setting, wiring, and firing explosive charges must comply with authorized blasting procedures.


11.       Personal protective equipment, as described by the blasting JHA, must be used per associated hazards.


12.       All blasting sites on __Froggie Bottom_ NWR are located >1/2 mile behind locked gates with “Unauthorized Entry” signs.  The Frog Pond site at _Froggie Bottom_ NWR is located ~ 1/2 mile from behind an “Area Closed” sign mounted on a barricade in the middle of the two track trail heading east from minimum maintenance road.


In addition, the following signs will be placed strategically:

·             “Area Closed” sign will be mounted on a post .25 to .5 miles before the blasting    site beside the two-track trail.

·             “Danger Explosives Ahead” signs will be mounted on a post ~ .2 of a mile before   the blasting site on both sides. 


A minimum of 500 feet from the blast area must be maintained during blasting. (distance dictated by charge and type of operation)


13.       The blaster-in-charge will be prepared to handle misfires. All people are safely kept away from the charge for at least ½ hour if a misfire occurs. Misfires will be handled only by the blaster-in-charge.


14.       Emergency Action Plan for this explosives operation:

·        Fire Department  911

·        Ambulance  911

·        Police  911

·        Rescue  911

·        __Meckland County__ Hospital.  Address:_2093 Main Street; Holloway, GA 00000 ___              Phone number:__404-240-8660___

·        The emergency phone number (911) must be used to immediately contact emergency responders if necessary.  Trained first-aid and CPR personnel can administer treatment until emergency responders arrive.

·        Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all hazardous material on site must be accessible to all personnel.


15.       A copy of this plan must remain at the site and displayed at the station office.  Also, all blasting plans must be kept in the office file for 3 years.



Blasting Plan Completed on__09/28/10_________


Station Manager_(print, sign, date)_________________________


Blaster-in-Charge_(print, sign, date)________________________


For information on the content of this exhibit, contact the Division of Safety and Health. For information about this Web site, contact Krista Bibb in the Division of Policy and Directives Management.  

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