
222 FW 2
Personnel Issuances

FWM#: 361 (Supersedes 222 FW 2, FWM 292, 12/31/96))

Date: January 2, 2001

Series: Personnel
Part 222:  Personnel Management

Originating Office:Division of Personnel



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2.1 What is the purpose of this chapter?  This chapter establishes the methods by which the Division of Personnel (DP) issues personnel management related guidance and educational, instructional, and informational material to and solicits information, material, statistics, etc., from the various elements of the Fish and Wildlife Service.

2.2 What will DP issue?  The DP issues Division of Personnel Notices, Supervisory Information Bulletins (SIBs), and Employee Information Bulletins (EIBs) pertaining to personnel issues within its assigned areas of responsibility. We will establish Service policy in Director's Orders and Fish and Wildlife Service Manual chapters, not in the issuances addressed in this chapter. These issuances can, however, restate or clarify already established personnel management related Service policy.

2.3 What is a Division of Personnel Notice?

A. A Division of Personnel Notice is a specialized directive (010 FW l) that transmits information, requests a one-time input, or contains instructions, procedures, interpretation of regulation, reporting requirements, or temporary material that is primarily directed to management or administrative or personnel staff with respect to personnel management issues. It may also contain material targeted to a specific category of Service staff; e.g., information pertaining to availability pay for special agents.

B. We will number DP Notices serially by calendar year and chronologically in order of issuance. They are in memorandum format and contain a point of contact for inquiries, a response date (when necessary), and a statement regarding the expiration. We will determine addressees of DP Notices on a case-by-case basis.

C. Examples of items that we may include in DP Notices are requests for review or input on a proposed new procedure or policy, announcements of events or opportunities that require management action, and transmittal of regulatory or policy information originating from the Department or other agencies. DP Notices contain only personnel management related information.

2.4 What is a Supervisory Information Bulletin? We issue these bulletins to provide information necessary for supervisors and managers to carry out their responsibilities with respect to personnel management issues. We will number SIBs serially by calendar year and chronologically in order of issuance. Generally, we will address SIBs to all Service supervisors and managers. An example of information suitable for issuance in an SIB is restatement of Service policy regarding use of excused absence for donating blood. 

2.5 What is an Employee Information Bulletin? EIBs provide information regarding personnel related issues that have Servicewide interest or impact. An example is the announcement of open season for health benefits. We will number EIBs serially by calendar year and chronologically in order of issuance. Generally, we address and distribute EIBs to all Service employees. However, if the information is of interest only to Headquarters, we will address the EIB only to Headquarters employees.

For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Krista Bibb, in the Division of Policy and Directives Management. For information on the specific content of this chapter, contact the Division of Human Capital.

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