United States Department of the Interior



Washington D.C. 20240







Subject: Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Settlement Authority


Sec. 1 What is the purpose of this Order? This Order establishes the authority for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) officials who may approve settlement agreements resulting from Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) actions.


Sec. 2 Does this Order supersede or amend any other Directive? Yes, this Order supersedes 061 FW 4, dated 09/23/2008.


Sec. 3 Who has the authority to approve Service settlements involving monetary payments or material benefits as the result of EEO actions?


     a. The affected Regional Director or Headquarters Directorate member has the authority to approve such settlements.


     b. Regional Directors must work with the appropriate representative(s) from the Regional Diversity and Civil Rights (DCR) office and the Regional Solicitor. In Headquarters (HQ), the Directorate member must work directly with the Office of Diversity and Inclusive Workforce Management (ODIWM).


     c. All EEO settlements must receive a technical compliance review by the Chief, ODIWM, before the Directorate member signs them.


     d. Approved settlement agreements must be in writing.


     e. After the settlement agreement is approved, ODIWM sends a compliance letter to the affected Region/program that establishes the procedures for providing ODIWM with the data on monetary payments or other material benefits so that the Service can track them nationally.


Sec. 4 When is this Order effective? This Order is effective immediately. It remains in effect until we incorporate it into the Fish and Wildlife Service Manual in Part 061, or until we amend, supersede, or revoke it, whichever comes first. If we do not amend, supersede, or revoke it, the Order will terminate 18 months from the date it is signed.



                                         /sgd/ Noah Matson                                                                     

                                      ACTING DIRECTOR

Date: April 5, 2016


For more information about this Director’s Order, contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusive Workforce Management. For more information about this Web site, contact Krista Bibb in the Division of Policy, Performance, and Management Programs.



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